On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 4:41 PM Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Installing a CPU upgrade in an old PC was rarely worth the hassle, but
> if you replaced a small hard disk (especially if compressed with
> DoubleSpace or something) with a big more modern one, and maxed out
> the RAM, the performance improvement was often very gratifying for a
> relatively small spend.

As a general rule, consumer machines are I/O bound, not compute bound.
The CPU spends most of its time in an idle loop waiting for stuff to
be read from/written to disk.

More RAM is one speedup - it allows the OS to do a better jo9b of
caching disk access.  A faster disk is another.

On my old XT clone, I had a replacement 10mhz motherboard with a NEC
v20 CPU.  The V20 was compatible with the Intel 8088, but had better
microcode, for a cheap 5% speedup.  It had 640K RAM and two Seagate
ST-225 MFM HDs.  I got it an AST- 6Pak K addon card that added another
megabyte of RAM.  AST software let me make 512MB of the RAM a RAMdisk,
256K a dick cache, and he oter 256K could be EMS for apps that could
use it.  (I made the RAMdisk first in my PATH, and put frequently used
apps like LIST there, and set TEMP and TMP to point to it so things
that honored that would use the RAMdisk for temp files. It sped up
Zipping stuff a treat. A freeware utility could  map unused video RAM
to DOS.  I used a Hercules video card, so 64K were available to be
mapped to DOS, and the machine booted reporting 704K DOS RAM.
Performance was acceptable, thank you.

The current desktop uses a quad core Intel i5 CPU and 3.5 ghz, with an
automatic turbo mode to 3.9 ghz.  It has 20GB RAM, and boots and runs
from a 256B PAnasonic SSD.  Performance is lovely.  There are faster
machine out there, but since I'm not doing things like heavy video
editing or compiling a large application from a source tree, it's
moare tyhan adequate for what I do.

> Liam Proven

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