On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 10:10 AM Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 at 23:37, dmccunney <dennis.mccun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On my old XT clone, I had a replacement 10mhz motherboard with a NEC
> > v20 CPU.  The V20 was compatible with the Intel 8088, but had better
> > microcode, for a cheap 5% speedup.  It had 640K RAM and two Seagate
> > ST-225 MFM HDs.  I got it an AST- 6Pak K addon card that added another
> > megabyte of RAM.  AST software let me make 512MB of the RAM a RAMdisk,
> > 256K a dick cache, and he oter 256K could be EMS for apps that could
> > use it.  (I made the RAMdisk first in my PATH, and put frequently used
> > apps like LIST there, and set TEMP and TMP to point to it so things
> > that honored that would use the RAMdisk for temp files. It sped up
> > Zipping stuff a treat. A freeware utility could  map unused video RAM
> > to DOS.  I used a Hercules video card, so 64K were available to be
> > mapped to DOS, and the machine booted reporting 704K DOS RAM.
> > Performance was acceptable, thank you.
> That sounds like a *very* seriously tricked-out XT-class machine! Wow!

I had fun with it.

I had a Unix machine at home before I got the XT clone.  I was Tech
Support Manager for a small Unix systems house that resold AT&T kit
when AT&T was in the computer business, and an AT&T 3B1 joined the
family.  The 3B1 was the beefier sibling of the UNIX-PC, an early
attempt at a single user Unix workstation.  It had a 10mhz Motorola
68010 CPU, with up to 4MB RAM (mine had 3.5MB) and a 72MB MFM HD.  It
ran Unix System V Release 2.  There was a well crafted GUI called FACE
that could be used on the mono console (and a character mode version
that could run on attached terminals.  The keyboard had a variety of
special keys that did things when pressed.  One of the things I wanted
was compatibility between apps I used on the 3B1 and on the PC.  I was
able to compile Daniel LAwrence's MicroEMACS "out of the box" for the
3B1, and had fun writing an ME macro that examined KB input and would
do the appropriate things when I pressed one of the special keys.

Because I started as a Unix guy, I wanted to make the XT clone look as
much like a Unix machine as possible.  (I also got my SO a 3B1, and
she thought DOS was a brain damaged Unix.  Well, yes.  As of DOS 2.X,
MS adopted a hierarchical file system, tree structured directories,
I/O redirection and other Unix concepts, but implemented thyem very

After looking at an assortment of freeware and shareware versions of
Unix commands, I bought a commercial package called the MKS Toolkit.
The toolkit was a product of Mortice Kern Systems in Canada.  They
were consulting engineers who wrote it originally for internal use,
and released it as a product when it was sufficiently developed.  It
became the tail that wagged the dog, and their principal business.

The toolkit implemented full versions of all Unix commands that made
sense in a single user, single tasking environment.  The selling point
for me were complete versions of the Unix vi editor and Korn shell.
(The Korn shell had everything save asynchronous background processes
because DOS didn't *do* that.)

Installed in fullest Unix compatibility mode, when the PC was booted,
CONFIG.SYS got processed.  It loaded the RAMdisk, cache and mouse
drivers that were common to everything. But instead of COMMAND.COM as
a boot shell, the Toolkit's INIT.EXE was loaded.  INIT printed Login:
on my screen.  Enter a userid and (optional) password and INIT called
LOGIN.  LOGIN looked for the ID in a Unix compatible /etc/passwd file.
IF it found a match, it changed to whatever directory was specified as
that ID's home directory, and ran whatever was specified as the ID's

I had IDs that ran the Korr shell, vanilla COMMAND.COM, 4DOS, and
DesqView.  Exit those programs and INIT was reloaded.  I could switch
environments *without* rebooting.  When I was booted into the Korn
shell, you had to dig a bit to discover you *weren't* on an Honest-to
$DEITY Unix machine. (And I was able to craft an equivalent of the
Unix lp print spooler using the DOS print command and Korn shell
scripts and aliases.)

The Toolkit stayed in use when I got a 386 and started running Win
3.1.  The shell for Win3.1 was Program Manager, but you could
substitute something else. What was used was defined in the SYSTEM.INI
file.  I had custom SYSTEM.INI files to run different shells, and
Toolkit IDs that copied them over the real one so Win3.1 ran the one I
wanted to use.  But because Win3.1 was a multi-tasking shell on top of
DOS, I could choose not to run it, and boot into COMMAND.COM, 4DOS,
DV, or the Korn shell.

Lots of fun while it lasted.

> MS OSes were always a work thing for me. My own computers went
> Sinclair -> Amstrad PCW (the last new CP/M computer) -> Acorn
> Archimedes.

Right. You were in the UK.  I'm aware of the stuff you ran, but never
have a chance to play with it here.

> For £800 – probably under $1500 at the time – I had an 8MHZ RISC
> computer with 1MB of flat unsegmented RAM in 1989. And none was used
> for the OS, because it ran from ROM chips.

Er, the OS might actually reside on ROM chips, but I assume there was
at least some RAM usage when calling OS functions. The OS might be in
ROM, but OS routines would need scratch space in RAM.

(And the DR DOS variant of DOS originated from requests by Digital
Research customers for a ROMmable DOS.  MS had not seperated code
space and data space, so MSDOS c0uld not be put in ROM. DR DOS could.)

> When my Archimedes died, I got a 486DX 50MHz notebook -- not a DX/2,
> just DX -- and I ran OS/2 2.0 on it. Even though it only had 8MB of
> RAM, it ran well.

I have OS/2 here, but never got to install it on anything. OS/2 was
technically superior to Win3.1, and could still be found in kiosk
applications not that long back.  I had OS/2 Warp on a specialized
telephony server at an employer.  It was a black box.  It just ran.
If it hung, reboot it.  I never had to dig into OS/2 itself.

I had 8MB on the 386 running Win3.1, watched my Unix machine run
rings around it, and looked at Redmond, WA, and said "What are you
*doing*?"  I still say that on occasion.

> > The current desktop uses a quad core Intel i5 CPU and 3.5 ghz, with an
> > automatic turbo mode to 3.9 ghz.  It has 20GB RAM, and boots and runs
> > from a 256B PAnasonic SSD.  Performance is lovely.  There are faster
> > machine out there, but since I'm not doing things like heavy video
> > editing or compiling a large application from a source tree, it's
> > more than adequate for what I do.
> That is a pretty good spec! O_o

There are bigger, faster boxes out there.  A friend who is an
architect at an ISP talks about machines using nVME being "wicked
fast".  So they are, but you get a machine specced to use it with it
pre-installed. Everything I've seen says "Good luck on trying to
upgrade to it after the fact on older kit."

The fascinating bit for me is that the distinction between RAM and
disk is steadily blurring.  Things like nVME make it possible to have
what works like RAM but is non-volatile storage whose content will
survive a reboot.

We are just scratching the surface here.

> Yes, I find that since the point at which quad-core CPUs were
> affordable, performance no longer matters much. I buy used kit if
> possible, mostly laptops now, according to things like keyboard
> quality and screen resolution. So long as it has, say, a Core i5 and
> enough RAM or the RAM is cheap to add, it will do. I still have some
> Core 2 machines in use; they're fine for light use, despite being over
> a decade old.

Most consumer machines, as mentioned, are I/O bound, not compute
bound.  And hardware gets steadily smaller, faster, and cheaper.  My
desktop was a refurbished, off lease, ex-corporate workstation.  It
came with quad-core CPU, 16MB RAM, and 256GB SSD as purchased.  It
cost me $250. I added a coupel of SATA HDs for local storage, and
dongles to add WiFi and Bluetooth. IT Just Runs, is a pleasure to use,
and can cold boot to a Win10 desktop in about a minute.  Windows
Updates are painless because the system won't be unavailable very long
when they get applied.

> Koomey's Law has truly supplanted Moore's Law now.

Indeed.  Moore never really  intended it to be a law, only an
observation, and we are approaching physical limits on what can be
done. (Can you say "Quantum Tunneling?" :-p)

> Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven

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