Wow there is a lot unpack here on several different posts….

> I think you're referring to time index 2:46 in the video, after
> partitioning, when the system reboots and you can briefly see the
> "warmboot" message.
> The difference is: (from "FDAPM /?")
>> COLDboot / WARMboot - do a reboot with / without BIOS tests (POST)

The warm boot is an alias in the FDAUTO. Basically, it is a line inherited from
FreeDOS 1.1 that I’ve never bothered to change.

There are other mechanisms used by the installer to insure a reboot. 
For example, when you tell it to reboot and you see the red bar at the top of 
the screen, 
reboot was handled by V8Power Tools directly initiating POST.

> [and then I think you commented on some of the YouTube comments:]
>>> 1:17: Should be "Deutsch" instead of "Deutsche".
>>> the first means "German", the latter "Germans"
> This is a comment from YouTube user lucius1976.
> I think Jerome will have this updated for the next release.

Thats the plan :-)

>>> hopefully the bugs in the default config
>>> and autoexec will be fixed, too.
>> Can you be more specific?

What config bugs???

I am aware of no bugs in the current config files. 

I have be asked to make some changes to some things to possibly increase 
compatibility or boost performance for some installs. Things like “please load 
a CD cache” because it is slow on my hardware. 

> See my 2021-05-03 mail on freedos-devel,
> "Distro autoexec/config wishes for 1.3rc4"
> where I try to review the templates used
> on <> but note
> that the templates do not really make it
> easy to see what the installed configs are
> going to be on a particular system.

Its not really the bad… 

There are AUTOEXEC.* and CONFIG.* under FDISETUP\SETUP\. Unless otherwise 
detected the *.DEF version (default) is installed. Other extensions, like VBX 
(VirtualBox) and DBX (DOSBox) are all platform specific. 

The installer picks the appropriate file, expands some variables imbedded in 
them and installs those files. For example, $FTARGET$ usually becomes C:\FDOS. 

> Compared to "type fdauto.bat | less" you avoid
> the temp file needed by pipelines in DOS. While
> you make an important point by explaining how
> pipes need a writeable temp directory, it would
> also be good to exaplain that "less fdauto.bat"
> avoids the pipeline and thereby the need for a
> writeable temp directory.

Yes, but unfortunately not everything can be done that way.
For example, without pipes, you can’t do…

grep -i “FDAPM” *.BAT | grep -iv “COLDBOOT”

Not super important. Just saying.

> As in not having to use a relatively hidden
> advanced installer mode. Just something like
> "Install to C:\freedos", possibly hidden if
> no working C: is found and possibly changing
> to "Overwrite C:\freedos" if the directory is
> found to already be there. Also because you
> want to be able to upgrade older FreeDOS to
> newer FreeDOS without losing all your data :-o

First, the installer does not automatically format or
partition the HD if a existing writable drive C: is found.

Things outside the %DOSDIR% (usually C:\FDOS) should
be fine. 

> And no, this should not analyze which files
> and packages etc. you already have. It is
> okay to be not perfect when overwriting,
> still a lot better than formatting.

(This does not apply to the X86 installer!)
The installer removes any packages that are installed that it will be 
installing. It must do this
to remove those files. Without doing so, attempts to install those packages 
will fail. FDINST will
not overwrite existing files.

In advanced mode, the installer will also ask if you want to wipe out 
everything else in the %DOSDIR% directory tree. 

For the main media, like CD and USB, there is only one installer. It presents 
the “Red Alert” theme when in advanced mode. The main differences between 
advanced and default mode really come down to the choices provided to the user. 
In default mode, some things are not presented to the user and the “default” 
option is automatically chosen. Things like install drive default to “C:\FDOS” 
or “D:\FDOS” (when the installer is running on drive C:). When running in 
advanced mode, the installer automatically presents additional questions to the 
user. Those questions are populated with the choices the installer would have 
made when running in default mode. 

For the x86 installer, things are different. It is a completely different 
installer. Also, it does not use FDINST to install packages. Instead, it uses 
SLICER (the kinda weird archiver I wrote to make the x86 version possible). It 
can and will overwrite conflicting files during installation. 

> As in not having to use a relatively hidden
> advanced installer mode. 

I’ve been revisiting my thoughts on this lately... 

There are many users who want to always see every option when installing 

However, the overwhelming majority of users are running FreeDOS in some sort of 
VM and I completely agree that they should be presented with only a minimum 
number of questions to perform the easiest, quickest and friendliest install 

There is a third option to consider…

Detection of a QEMU, VirtualBox and VMWare is easy and reliably done by the 
installer to determine which config files to install. The installer could start 
in default mode. The, it would be rather trivial to have it automatically 
switch to advanced mode when it is not running in one of the Detected Virtual 

This would mean it would fly through those couple default mode questions for 
most users.
But, if someone was installing FreeDOS on bare metal or an undetected VM (like 
Bochs), they would automatically get advanced mode and all the extra prompts.

The installer is fully theme-able. It is possible to have it use a separate 
(third) theme when it switches to advanced mode automatically. 

Anyhow, it is something to consider.




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