Hi Carsten,

I also use a Python script to access online media such as
youtube, called youtube-dl. It often needs to be updated
to work with the newest changes on youtube, but it also
works with a number of other websites including various
media libraries of TV and radio stations. So I like the
general idea of using such scripts to extract the live
stream URL for radio stations and then listening to those
with MPXPLAY or MPLAYER which are both available for DOS.

Having to deal with tunein.com, which also seems to require
a login, could make things more complex than they tend to
be on the websites of the radio stations themselves, which
often have listen now live links to their streams for users
who are not in range of their FM or other broadcasts or who
simply prefer to listen via internet.

At the moment, the following 3 cases are in my bookmarks:

- one station has an icecast server which offers a simple
  HTTP URL for an infinitely large MP3 "file"

- one station offers a M3U playlist via HTTP which simply
  is a file containing the HTTP URL of an MP3 stream again

- another station uses Akamai as content delivery network
  which offers M3U8 Unicode-playlist files which then
  point to the audio delivered in small segment files

The latter would probably be a problem for DOS, but having
a plain HTTP URL of a simple MP3 stream, optionally accessed
through a playlist text file, would be quite feasible to use
as long as you have a network-enabled MP3 player. If you did
not have one, you would have to download the MP3 as long as
the show is on, then truncate the download and listen to it
after the show has ended, which is not very convenient at all.

As Karen mentioned accessing an Ubuntu computer via SSH,
the youtube-dl script could be run on that computer to
get the URL of the actual radio stream, or preferrably
the URL of the (dynamical) playlist file. The URL could
then be used together with a DOS media player to listen
to the radio station. The URL might change frequently.

I remember that the Python script is surprisingly large
and complex, so I do not expect that to work on Python
for DOS. It actually is a ZIP container with 800 files
which would unpack to more than 5 MB and which import:

base64 binascii calendar codecs collections contextlib
copy ctypes datetime email email.header email.utils
errno fileinput functools getpass gzip hashlib hmac io
itertools json locale math netrc operator optparse os
os.path platform random  shlex shutil socket ssl string
struct subprocess sys tempfile time tokenize traceback
uuid xml.etree.ElementTree xml.etree.ElementTree zlib.

About Dectalk USB: People have tried to use it in Linux
with speakup ( http://linux-speakup.org/ originally a
screen reader) which is supposed to support, apart from
the speakup software, Accent PC/SA, Apollo, Audapter,
Braile 'n Speak and similar Blazie products, DecTalk
Express/External/Internal PC, DoubleTalk PC, Keynote
Internal PC, LiteTalk or DoubleTalk LT, Speakout and
Transport. After booting, DecTalk PC (ISA card) and a
number of software synthesizers additionally become
accessible. For example Fonix seems to sell a software
which has the same voice as DecTalk?

The problem is that only the serial port versions of
DecTalk are supported directly, not the USB version:


Note that the device actually has both ports, USB and
RS232. So people have tried to use it from Linux by
connecting USB to serial adapters to their PC. That
can be accessed like a Dectalk Express, but they got
some delays caused by the extra abstraction layer.

Note that the USB port of the Dectalk USB can still
be connected to provide power for the device, which
avoids having to use the separate wall power adapter.



This could also be interesting for DOS users in case
they have computers which no longer provide serial
ports. If suitable USB serial port drivers can talk
to the DOS software which would use Dectalk, then
they could still use it. That would be a question
for Bret Johnson (free drivers) and Georg Potthast
(shareware drivers).

Note that according to a newer discussion here


the price of the USB version was rather high, so
it would be a bit of a waste to use it in Dectalk
Express emulation mode with USB serial converters.

Carsten, thanks for the text version of Firefox
link to brow.sh - interestingly, the author has
an article about getting rid of facebook/google:


Liam, I would have expected Linux to also work
for blind users with the GUI, with limitations
regarding which apps are supported well enough?
As you say, using shell apps is not everybodies
taste, although the shell can be quite powerful.

I completely agree that having to type even a
few commands may simply scare people. It is
like having to flip switches in regedit inside
Windows and you can hide THAT by asking people
to click a script which calls/automates regedit.

Thinking that Mint is just one of the popular
distros, I was not aware of Mint aiming to be
looking like Windows. I remember seeing a GUI
which looked like MacOS on a Linux laptop and
asking the user whether they liked Apple, but
they were not even aware of the similarity!

Ironically, I know some programmers who switched
to Mac because they want both a nice GUI and a
command line which is at least some Unix style,
but my impression is that the BSD offered by
Apple is actually rather inconvenient. So they
surprise me by taking the effort to get a less
nice shell only for a nicer GUI, but of course
the shell in Windows would be even less nice.

People always complain about Linux being too
complicated and text oriented. That was 20
years ago. If you do not want to, just do not
use the shell. Very simple. If you do not get
access to the last fine-tuning: People rarely
complained about Apple limiting choices for
the sake of "simplicity". Actually Apple made
some things easier at the cost of making other
things much harder, but people accepted it.

They even changed the whole CPU architecture
many times, but apparently Apple users are more
than willing to buy new copies of their things
for the new CPU when they buy a new computer,
or even accept some apps becoming unavailable.

Not sure what makes Chrome OS and Chromebooks
so popular. Maybe better marketing and more
computer sold with pre-installed Chrome OS?

Pre-installation makes a big difference. Even
given how trivially easy Linux installs can
be, people are still afraid of the "risks".

Or maybe people wanting to be able to use
the many, often proprietary, Android apps
in parallel to Linux apps?

Note that your article series is a bit older:
By now, I would tell everybody who switches
from Windows to Linux to NOT try to download
apps by hand, as they are used to from Windows,
but also to NOT install them using the shell.

A very convenient way is to open the graphical
software library thing of your distro, use a
few search terms and click on "install". This
works pretty much like the usual app stores.

Finally, it is ironic that people are made
to be afraid of how different Linux is, but
when Microsoft introduces big changes to the
look and feel of Windows or Office, people
cast a short sigh and just adapt. Actually
I know cases of switching to LibreOffice
after the MS Office GUI became to different
from what it was before, but those are rare.

Regards, Eric

PS: Of course, there was a typo in my mail: One of the
text to speech engines is called MBROLA (like umbrella).

> ...I use a command line application (on MacOS) to access youtube
> videos and music streams (The application is called mps-youtube
> and is written in Python). This application is not a browser...

> As far as I see, tunein.com does not provide the music/radio
> content themself, but they aggregate content from other places
> (such as German radio stations)...

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