
Recompression is something that will be considered for the next version of
> the repository management utilities.

Your insight is appreciated.  I saw the earlier discussion about media size
and wanted to point out that there are savings available now at nearly zero

SLICER is small. Less than 1/10th the size of RAR. While, this does not
> matter as much for a 1.44mb diskette. It matters a lot if a user only has a
> 160K drive to work with. With RAR being roughly 353K, that is not going to
> happen.

The UnRAR in FreeDOS is 32,086 bytes and already implements all of the
things that you want for SCLICER, which is currently 28,188 bytes.
(Compression, installation scripting, media spanning, and 160K

The corresponding RAR2 codec in unrarlib is GPL'd and approximately 12,000

I haven't looked at the SLICER source code; this observation is more about
how RAR is so good and how easy it was to rebuild the FreeDOS installation
media with it.
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