
Thank you Eric and Jim.

I'll do a search and i let you know how it turned out

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 10:04 AM Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:

> One program to fix the "runtime error 200" is Robert and Marek's TSR tool,
> which we include in FreeDOS 1.3:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/repositories/1.3/pkg-html/tp7p5fix.html
> But as Eric said, you can find lots of tools on the Internet to fix this
> too. Or you can run SLOWDOWN as another workaround.
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2022, 2:30 AM Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
>> Hi! Runtime error 200 usually is an overflow in timing
>> code of Borland or Turbo Pascal, if you search the web
>> you will find various tools which patch it or work it
>> around :-) The overflow happens because your computer
>> is too fast. So you can also try to slow it down, e.g.
>> using FDAPM SPEEDn where n is a digit (but that might
>> crash, be prepared to hard-reset or power cycle if so)
>> or using various "SLOWDOWN" resident tools for DOS. As
>> runtime error 200 is widespread, as said there also are
>> tools which to either load as TSR (they will patch the
>> affected code in RAM) or can be used to modify affected
>> EXE files on disk (remember to backup the original EXE).
>> Regards, Eric
>> > Tyrian
>> >
>> > tyrian.exe - Runtime error 200 at 0006:374c
>> > setup.exe -  Runtime error 200 at 0002:24ED
>> >
>> > Fuzzy
>> >
>> > fuzzy.exe - Runtime error 200 at 0003:361B
>> > main.exe - Runtime error 200 at 0003:361B
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