
starting a new thread, after a lot of discussion and feedback, which I tried to integrate into thecurrent draft at:

Here are some design decisions I made and which need to be finally decided.

1] Add nss trust objects.
These are not defined in the PKCS#11 standard, but Jan said they will be needed and I added them to the spec

2] Certificate representation
In pkcs11 there is a certificate category (user, authority, ..) and certificate value. An alternate way to represent this would be to use the schema defined in rfc4523 and map (user, value) --> (objectclass: pkiUser, usercertificate) and (authority, value) --> (objectclass: pkiCA, cAcertificate) I kept the attributes pkcs11certificateCategory and pkcs11certificateValue and let the applications decide which format will be used.

3] Key attributes
Like certificates keys can be stored ina single attribute as pkcs8 or bind.key format. In pkcs11 the keys are defined by their algoritthm specific attributes, I had defined RSA specific attributes (moduleus, exponent, ....) and did not remove them. Maybe some app wants to create keys and store these attrs, having defined them does not force to use them, but allows flexibility without requiring new attribute definitions

4] Not needed attributes.
Jan pointed out that some of the attributes like CKA_TOKEN will always be true, so no need to define them. I have not yet removed them, they don't nned to be used, but I can still remove them.

5] Attribute syntaxes
I associated boolean attributes with the ldap boolean syntax, which requires TRUE/FALSE as values There are a couple of attributes with a limited range like key_type which has values like: CKK_RSA, CKK_DSA, CKK_DH. There are defines for these values which translate them to integers, which could be used, but I propose to use a syntax of directoryString and use the values directly eg pkcs11keyType: CKK_RSA. To me this is more readable than pkcs11keyType: 0
And it would have to be parsed anywy

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