On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 13:01 +0200, Martin Kosek wrote:
> On 05/27/2014 11:53 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> > On 27.5.2014 11:14, thierry bordaz wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>     Me again !!!
> >>
> >>     Thanks to all your inputs, the discussion about User_life_cycle
> >>     clarified a lot workflow/command verbs.
> >>
> >>     Now I have a doubt about what would be an entry in staging
> >>     (objectclass/attribute). Also I wonder if ipa CLI (ipa user-add
> >>     --stage), would be the only support way to create stage entry.
> >>
> >>     An active entry is looking like (with krb* attributes if the
> >>     userpassword is defined):
> >>
> >>         dn:
> >>         uid=tb17,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,dc=com
> >>         displayName: tb15 tb15
> >>         cn: tb15 tb15
> >>         objectClass: top
> >>         objectClass: person
> >>         objectClass: organizationalperson
> >>         objectClass: inetorgperson
> >>         objectClass: inetuser
> >>         objectClass: posixaccount
> >>         objectClass: krbprincipalaux
> >>         objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
> >>         objectClass: ipaobject
> >>         objectClass: ipasshuser
> >>         objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
> >>         objectClass: mepOriginEntry
> >>         loginShell: /bin/sh
> >>         gecos: tb15 tb15
> >>         sn: tb15
> >>         homeDirectory: /home/tb17
> >>         uid: tb17
> >>         mail: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
> >>         krbPrincipalName: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
> >>         givenName: tb15
> >>         initials: tt
> >>         ipaUniqueID: 3f1b5cce-e1b8-11e3-86fe-001a4a104ecd
> >>         uidNumber: 646400009
> >>         gidNumber: 646400009
> >>         mepManagedEntry:
> >>         cn=tb17,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,
> >>           dc=com
> >>         memberOf:
> >>         
> >> cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,dc=redhat,dc=
> >>           com
> >>         nsAccountLock: False
> >>
> >>
> >>     A staged entry created by 'ipa user-add --stage' may look like the
> >>     following. This kind of entry is easy to activate 'ipa user-unstage'
> >>
> >>         dn: uid=tb20,cn=staged
> >>         users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,
> >>           dc=redhat,dc=com
> >>         displayName: tb20 tb20
> >>         cn: tb20 tb20
> >>         objectClass: top
> >>         objectClass: person
> >>         objectClass: organizationalperson
> >>         objectClass: inetorgperson
> >>         objectClass: inetuser
> >>         objectClass: posixaccount
> >>         objectClass: krbprincipalaux
> >>         objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
> >>         objectClass: ipaobject
> >>         objectClass: ipasshuser
> >>         objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
> >>         loginShell: /bin/sh
> >>         uidNumber: -1
> >>         ipaUniqueID: autogenerate
> >>         gidNumber: -1
> >>         gecos: tb20 tb20
> >>         sn: tb20
> >>         homeDirectory: /home/tb20
> >>         uid: tb20
> >>         mail: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
> >>         krbPrincipalName: t...@idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
> >>         givenName: tb20
> >>         initials: tt
> >>         nsAccountLock: True
> >>
> >>     Now are we going to support the following entries for 'ipa 
> >> user-unstage'
> >>
> >>         dn: cn=tb20,cn=staged
> >>         users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,
> >>           dc=redhat,dc=com
> >>         objectClass: top
> >>         objectClass: person
> >>         sn: tb20
> >>         cn: tb20
> >>         nsAccountLock: True
> >>
> >>     or
> >>
> >>         dn: uid=tb20,cn=staged
> >>         users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=idm,dc=lab,dc=bos,
> >>           dc=redhat,dc=com
> >>         objectClass: top
> >>         objectClass: person
> >>         objectClass: posixAccount
> >>         sn: tb20
> >>         cn: tb20 tb20
> >>         uid: tb20
> >>         uidNumber: -1
> >>         gidNumber: -1
> >>         homeDirectory: /home/tb20
> >>         nsAccountLock: True
> >>
> >>
> >>     thanks
> >>     thierry
> > 
> > IIUC unstaging a user will do something like this:
> > 
> >     staged_user = ldap.get_entry(staged_dn, ['*'])
> >     api.Command.user_add(**staged_user)
> > 
> > So IMO virtually any kind of entry should be supported in the staging tree.
> The workflow will be different from what Jan suggested, but yes, we should
> support wide range of entries. I suspect some provisioning systems may even
> write entries with different RDN - i.e. with CN for example.
> About the unstaging - we already spoke about it, we will need to consolidate
> current operations in user-add and user-mod in common functions that will be
> called by those commands and user-unstage command.
> I imagine user-unstage command would then do:
> 1) MODRDN from staged users to active users
> 2) Update user with the same default as user-add, if RDN is different than 
> UID,
> it should be converted to UID
> I wonder how should be the step 2) authorized LDAP-wise. The easiest way to
> make it happen is to give the operator making unstage operator write
> permission/ACI to active users, but it may not be the ideal way - we would 
> want
> to limit the write permission only to the actual unstage operation of the
> particular user... Simo, what is your take on this?

My take is that users need to be created with uid=<name> as the RDN or
the operation should be refused. We have still some rules for what our
users need to look like.


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