On 05/27/2014 04:35 PM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 05/27/2014 04:27 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Tue, 2014-05-27 at 15:21 +0200, Martin Kosek wrote:
This topic was already discussed in the past, see following part of
the design:


One of the biggest concern was that to allow operator unstage a user,
he would
need to have a delete ACI in staging container AND add ACI in the
active users
area - which would also allow him to create any user he wishes in the
users area.

This is the reason why we preferred to do and control it via MODRDN
and the
reason why Thierry implemented the new ACI for controlling MODRDN


I know that's why we did it, but I had a hard look since then, and I
believe we cannot really use that method.

The reason is simply that we do not control who adds the user object and
our reason to do the staging is to make it simple for an external
provisioning system to create a basic user entry the way it knows how
to, with only the attributes the provisioning system cares about.

But this means we have no guarantee of what objectclasses are available
on the object, so we have no guarantees all the necessary structureal
objectclasses have been added in the staging object.

We have to recreate the user object in order to be able to add all the
right structural objectclasses as those can only be added at object
creation time in an LDAPv3 compliant LDAP server.
Both approach looks possible:

 * adding required structural OC+AT in the existing entry
 * creating a new entry with all structural OC+AT and update the AT
   values with what exists in the stage entry

but I think the second one would be simpler to implement.
Here again uid uniqueness is a difficulty: if 'uid' exists in stage entry we need to delete the stage entry before adding the active one. There is a risk to loose the entry if the add fails. Also it is important to apply DEL/ADD on the same replica so that DEL csn < ADD csn.

Recreating the object will also allow you to deal with the other case
you brought forward where the provisioning system used CN as the RDN,
but we want uid.

I am not sure: if some provisioning systems created the two entries

# entry 1
dn: ou=TestUser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
uid: xxx
ou: TestUser

# entry 2
dn: uid=TestUser,cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
cn: TestUser
uid: TestUser
ipaUniqueID: autogenerate
uidNumber: -1
gidNumber: -1

If we activate both entries. we will create a new entry with all the required 
objectclass but at the end we will need to pick up a 'uid' value.
Entry 2 will keep its 'uid'. Entry 1 we have two solutions, 'xxx' but then it 
changes the RDN value or 'TestUser' (the former RDN value) that is in collision 
with entry 2.

I think it would simplify the problem if we enforce that staged entries have 
'uid' RDN.

I understand it gives operators a higher privilege, but I think we'll
have to think harder how to properly handle the issue.
A possibility is to create a "pre-active" status, between 'stage' and 'active'. The 'stage' container contains raw provisioned entries. 'pre-active' a copy of the 'stage' entry with all the structural objectclasses.

If 'pre-active' is out of the scope of uid uniqueness, we can add the 'pre-active' entry before removing the 'stage' entry (and rollback in case of failure). Then do a MODRDN (with appropriate aci) 'pre-active' -> 'active'.

Perhaps the best way is to create a new "proxy-API" to "promote" users
from a staging area. This service will have the privilege to create
users using its own credentials instead of those of the operator.

This can be done later, meanwhile we will have to accept operators need
the privilege to create users.

Ok, the point about structural objectclasses is a strong one. Thierry, you what
to do - this should be noted in the design page...


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