On 06/15/2015 01:46 PM, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 06/15/2015 10:57 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 06/12/2015 04:18 PM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
Some notes:

1. As mentioned in the WIP patch thread: original 'del' worked also with
winsync agreements. I'm not sure why is that. Shouldn't 'disconnect' be
used for winsync agreements? At least man page says that. This patch
doesn't support it if domain level > 0. Is it a blocker?

Following should be addressed in beta:

2. If `ipa-replica-manage del` is run before `ipa-csreplica-manage del`
then the `ipa-csreplica-manage del` will fail unless run with --force

3. Check for orphaned server is missing. I want to use proper graph
traversing algorithm for that given that we have the whole topology.

4. Probably a work for topology plugin: I've seen that the removed
master doesn't remove its segments and agreements even though that it
knows about its removal (doesn't have its own entry in cn=masters). It
leads to failed replication connection attempts. Not a big issue, but
also not wanted.

Martin3 found that there is wrong hostname in one error message. Fixed.
Patch 873 rebased.

Sorry but NACK.

When I try to test the removal of last CA master I get a generic error
like this:

unexpected error: no such entry


Traceback leading to this error is here:

This is caused by the following test which assumes that 'master' is a
string, but this is in fact the whole result dictionary returned by

+        if master == hostname:
+            this_services = services_cns

the following quick hack fixes this:
+        if str(master['dn'][0]['cn']) == hostname:
+            this_services = services_cn

but there is certainly a more elegant approach, like transforming the
results to a list of master FQDNs directly after calling API command on
line 679.

ah, had this originally when serverservice object was used instead of direct ldap find in the WIP patch. Dict allow us to get dn directly for the service search. CN is also in the dict: master['cn'][0] so not need to get it from dn.

Thanks for finding it.

Updated patch attached.
Petr Vobornik
From 40c0886df6a958a757eebd221863911acea8b98f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Vobornik <pvobo...@redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 15:56:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ipa-replica-manage: adjust del to work with managed topology

Introduces new method for deletion of replica. This method is used if
managed topology is enabled.

part of https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4302
 install/tools/ipa-replica-manage | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
index a2b2c820d8e25a2587358e00dc4afc54b309d77b..1b93166bce5c1d1fa6cba41cd87bc0833b2efe57 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import traceback
 from urllib2 import urlparse
 import ldap
 import socket
+import time
 from ipapython import ipautil
 from ipaserver.install import replication, dsinstance, installutils
@@ -560,6 +561,13 @@ def check_last_link(delrepl, realm, dirman_passwd, force):
         return None
+def check_last_link_managed(api, masters, hostname, force):
+    # segments = api.Command.topologysegment_find(u'realm', sizelimit=0).get('result')
+    # replica_names = [m.single_value('cn') for m in masters]
+    # orphaned = []
+    # TODO add proper graph traversing algorithm here
+    return None
 def enforce_host_existence(host, message=None):
     if host is not None and not ipautil.host_exists(host):
         if message is None:
@@ -567,8 +575,161 @@ def enforce_host_existence(host, message=None):
+def ensure_last_services(conn, hostname, masters, options):
+    """
+    1. When deleting master, check if there will be at least one remaining
+       DNS and CA server.
+    2. Pick CA renewal master
+    Return this_services, other_services, ca_hostname
+    """
+    this_services = []
+    other_services = []
+    ca_hostname = None
+    for master in masters:
+        master_cn = master['cn'][0]
+        try:
+            services = conn.get_entries(master['dn'], conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
+        except errors.NotFound:
+            continue
+        services_cns = [s.single_value['cn'] for s in services]
+        if master_cn == hostname:
+            this_services = services_cns
+        else:
+            other_services.append(services_cns)
+            if ca_hostname is None and 'CA' in services_cns:
+                ca_hostname = master_cn
+    if 'CA' in this_services and not any(['CA' in o for o in other_services]):
+        print "Deleting this server is not allowed as it would leave your installation without a CA."
+        sys.exit(1)
+    other_dns = True
+    if 'DNS' in this_services and not any(['DNS' in o for o in other_services]):
+        other_dns = False
+        print "Deleting this server will leave your installation without a DNS."
+        if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to delete?", False):
+            sys.exit("Deletion aborted")
+    # test if replica is not DNSSEC master
+    # allow to delete it if is last DNS server
+    if 'DNS' in this_services and other_dns and not options.force:
+        dnssec_masters = opendnssecinstance.get_dnssec_key_masters(conn)
+        if hostname in dnssec_masters:
+            print "Replica is active DNSSEC key master. Uninstall could break your DNS system."
+            sys.exit("Deletion aborted")
+    ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR)
+    if ca.is_renewal_master(hostname):
+        try:
+            ca.set_renewal_master(options.host)
+        except errors.NotFound:
+            ca.set_renewal_master(ca_hostname)
+    return this_services, other_services, ca_hostname
+def cleanup_server_dns_entries(realm, hostname, suffix, options):
+    try:
+        if bindinstance.dns_container_exists(options.host, suffix,
+                                             dm_password=options.dirman_passwd):
+            bind = bindinstance.BindInstance()
+            bind.remove_master_dns_records(hostname, realm, realm.lower())
+            bind.remove_ipa_ca_dns_records(hostname, realm.lower())
+            bind.remove_server_ns_records(hostname)
+            keysyncd = dnskeysyncinstance.DNSKeySyncInstance()
+            keysyncd.remove_replica_public_keys(hostname)
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "Failed to cleanup %s DNS entries: %s" % (hostname, e)
+        print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
 def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
+    if has_managed_topology():
+        del_master_managed(realm, hostname, options)
+    else:
+        del_master_direct(realm, hostname, options)
+def del_master_managed(realm, hostname, options):
+    """
+    Removing of master in managed_topology
+    """
+    hostname_u = unicode(hostname)
+    if hostname == options.host:
+        print "Can't remove itself: %s" % (options.host)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # 1. Connect to the local server
+    try:
+        thisrepl = replication.ReplicationManager(realm, options.host,
+                                                  options.dirman_passwd)
+    except Exception as e:
+        print "Failed to connect to server %s: %s" % (options.host, e)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # 2. Get all masters
+    masters = api.Command.server_find('', sizelimit=0)['result']
+    # 3. Check topology
+    orphans = check_last_link_managed(api, masters, hostname, options.force)
+    # 4. Check that we are not leaving the installation without CA and/or DNS
+    #    And pick new CA master.
+    ensure_last_services(api.Backend.ldap2, hostname, masters, options)
+    # Save the RID value before we start deleting
+    rid = get_rid_by_host(realm, options.host, hostname,
+                          options.dirman_passwd, options.nolookup)
+    # 5. Remove master entry. Topology plugin will remove replication agreements.
+    try:
+        api.Command.server_del(hostname_u)
+    except errors.NotFound:
+        print "Server entry already deleted: %s" % (hostname)
+    # 6. Cleanup
+    try:
+        thisrepl.replica_cleanup(hostname, realm, force=True)
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "Failed to cleanup %s entries: %s" % (hostname, e)
+        print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
+    # 7. Clean RUV for the deleted master
+    # Wait for topology plugin to delete segments
+    i = 0
+    while True:
+        left = api.Command.topologysegment_find(
+            u'realm', iparepltoposegmentleftnode=hostname_u, sizelimit=0)['result']
+        right = api.Command.topologysegment_find(
+            u'realm', iparepltoposegmentrightnode=hostname_u, sizelimit=0)['result']
+        if not left and not right:
+            print "Agreements deleted"
+            break
+        time.sleep(1)
+        if i == 5: # taking too long, something is wrong, report
+            print "Waiting for removal of replication agreements"
+        i += 1
+    # Clean RUV
+    if rid is not None:
+        try:
+            thisrepl.cleanallruv(rid)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            print "Wait for task interrupted. It will continue to run in the background"
+    # 8. And clean up the removed replica DNS entries if any.
+    cleanup_server_dns_entries(realm, hostname, thisrepl.suffix, options)
+def del_master_direct(realm, hostname, options):
+    """
+    Removing of master for realm without managed topology (domain level < 1)
+    """
     force_del = False
     delrepl = None
@@ -647,10 +808,8 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
     # Check for orphans if the remote server is up.
     if delrepl and not winsync:
-        masters_dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm))
-            masters = delrepl.conn.get_entries(
-                masters_dn, delrepl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
+            masters = api.Command.server_find('', sizelimit=0)['result']
         except Exception, e:
             masters = []
             print "Failed to read masters data from '%s': %s" % (
@@ -668,53 +827,9 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
                 print "You will need to reconfigure your replication topology to delete this server."
-        # Check that we are not leaving the installation without CA and/or DNS
-        this_services = []
-        other_services = []
-        ca_hostname = None
-        for master_cn in [m.single_value['cn'] for m in masters]:
-            master_dn = DN(('cn', master_cn), ('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), ipautil.realm_to_suffix(realm))
-            try:
-                services = delrepl.conn.get_entries(master_dn,
-                                                    delrepl.conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
-            except errors.NotFound:
-                continue
-            services_cns = [s.single_value['cn'] for s in services]
-            if master_cn == hostname:
-                this_services = services_cns
-            else:
-                other_services.append(services_cns)
-                if ca_hostname is None and 'CA' in services_cns:
-                    ca_hostname = master_cn
-        if 'CA' in this_services and not any(['CA' in o for o in other_services]):
-            print "Deleting this server is not allowed as it would leave your installation without a CA."
-            sys.exit(1)
-        other_dns = True
-        if 'DNS' in this_services and not any(['DNS' in o for o in other_services]):
-            other_dns = False
-            print "Deleting this server will leave your installation without a DNS."
-            if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to delete?", False):
-                sys.exit("Deletion aborted")
-        # test if replica is not DNSSEC master
-        # allow to delete it if is last DNS server
-        if 'DNS' in this_services and other_dns and not options.force:
-            dnssec_masters = opendnssecinstance.get_dnssec_key_masters(delrepl.conn)
-            if hostname in dnssec_masters:
-                print "Replica is active DNSSEC key master. Uninstall could break your DNS system."
-                sys.exit("Deletion aborted")
-        # Pick CA renewal master
-        ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR)
-        if ca.is_renewal_master(hostname):
-            try:
-                ca.set_renewal_master(options.host)
-            except errors.NotFound:
-                ca.set_renewal_master(ca_hostname)
+        # 4. Check that we are not leaving the installation without CA and/or DNS
+        #    And pick new CA master.
+        ensure_last_services(thisrepl.conn, hostname, masters, options)
         print "Skipping calculation to determine if one or more masters would be orphaned."
@@ -749,19 +864,7 @@ def del_master(realm, hostname, options):
         print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
     # 7. And clean up the removed replica DNS entries if any.
-    try:
-        if bindinstance.dns_container_exists(options.host, thisrepl.suffix,
-                                             dm_password=options.dirman_passwd):
-            bind = bindinstance.BindInstance()
-            bind.remove_master_dns_records(hostname, realm, realm.lower())
-            bind.remove_ipa_ca_dns_records(hostname, realm.lower())
-            bind.remove_server_ns_records(hostname)
-            keysyncd = dnskeysyncinstance.DNSKeySyncInstance()
-            keysyncd.remove_replica_public_keys(hostname)
-    except Exception, e:
-        print "Failed to cleanup %s DNS entries: %s" % (hostname, e)
-        print "You may need to manually remove them from the tree"
+    cleanup_server_dns_entries(realm, hostname, thisrepl.suffix, options)
 def add_link(realm, replica1, replica2, dirman_passwd, options):

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