On 27.11.2015 15:05, Martin Basti wrote:

On 26.11.2015 14:39, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 11/23/2015 06:51 PM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi all,

Here is a draft of the Replica Promotion test plan

== Test case: Unprivileged users are not allowed to enroll and promote clients == User credentials are passed there through -p $principal and -w $password options. It is correct atm because it is required for connection check. But end goal of replica promotion is the avoid it. See https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5497 and https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5498 for more information.

== Missing test cases ==
1. ipa-replica-install works on CA-less master with with both domain levels 2. ipa-server-install works with --setup-dns option with both domain levels 3. ipa-server-install works with externally signed CA cert with both domain levels 4. ipa-replica-install with options(and their combination): --setup-ca --setup-dns --setup-kra works with both domain levels

Note: Not sure if #2 and #3 belongs here, but should be tested. Maybe tests for domain level 0 already exist.

Many of them are already part of some tests.

I wanted to crate install tests in one place with all combination of options, but I did not have time for it yet.
I have a proof of concept test plan I can share it if you want.


Proof of concept test plan:

* ipa-server-install
* ipa-server-install --setup-dns
* caless ipa-server-install
* ipa-server-install && ipa-dns-install
* ipa-server-install && ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
* caless ipa-server-install && ipa-dns-install
* caless ipa-server-install && ipa-ca-install
* caless ipa-server-install && ipa-ca-install && ipa-kra-install
* ipa-server-install && ipa-kra-install

ipa-replica-install --setup-dns
ipa-replica-install --setup-ca
ipa-replica-install --setup-dns --setup-ca
ipa-replica-install --setup-ca --setup-kra
ipa-replica-install --setup-dns --setup-ca --setup-kra
ipa-replica-install && ipa-dns-install
ipa-replica-install && ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
ipa-replica-install && ipa-ca-install
ipa-replica-install && ipa-ca-install && ipa-kra-install
ipa-replica-install && ipa-dns-install && ipa-ca-install && ipa-kra-install
caless ipa-replica-install && ipa-ca-install
caless ipa-replica-install --setup-dns
caless ipa-replica-install && ipa-dns-install

These are basic tests, other specialized test like "install KRA first on replica then on master" should be in separate test suite IMO

I'm not sure if caless install test should be covered in basic install tests.
Same for DNSSEC master (this is fuly covered in dnssec tests)

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