On 11.10.2016 09:00, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> Hi,
> On 7.10.2016 11:56, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> Dear FreeIPA developers and packagers,
>> you can find first version of the Build system refactoring design document 
>> on:
>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Build_system_refactoring
>> If you do not care about implementation details, please be so kind and 
>> quickly
>> scan through chapter
>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Build_system_refactoring#Feature_Management
>> I'm not an FreeIPA packager so I might miss some important thing which needs
>> to be configurable.
> 1) There should be a --with-python switch to select the version of Python to
> use in our command line tools and/or during build. The default would be
> "python", i.e. the default Python interpreter found in the path.

Okay. Can we pick some descriptive name?


I think that it would be confusing if we had just

Besides that, I would make --with-default-python to accept either "2" or "3"
(and thus use path specified by --with-python? option).

> 2) There is --with-pylint, --with-jslint, but no --with-po-validate.

Let me clarify: I plan to use --with for things which have paths or other
parameters, --enable for booleans.

Where po-validate belongs? AFAIK target validate-po in install/po/Makefile is
calling script ../../ipatests/i18n.py which is in IPA source tree anyway.

Do you want to have a --enable/--disable switch for these PO checks?

> 3) I would prefer that if pylint (or jslint or python-polib) is not installed
> the build would fail instead of silently skipping the lint. Let it be a wilful
> decision of the packager whether to run the lint or not.

Yes, that is my intent. It will not skip anything automatically.

> 4) It is explicitly stated that I can turn off features using
> --without-feature. But how do I disable building server components?

I've added explicit mention of --disable-feature:

>> Also, I would appreciate ideas how to handle build versioning:
>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Build_system_refactoring#Versioning
>> My main questions are:
>> * What is triggering IPA upgrade?
>> * Would it be sufficient to bump release in RPM? (I mean - theoretically.
>> Could the code be modified to detect this?)
>> Here I'm trying to avoid unnecessary rebuilds caused by changes to
>> IPA_VENDOR_VERSION during each build.
> How exactly is IPA_VENDOR_VERSION causing unnecessary rebuilds? I can see it
> is written only to ipapython/version.py:
> $ git grep -E '\bIPA_VENDOR_VERSION\b'
> Makefile:       sed -i -e "s:__VENDOR_VERSION__:$(IPA_VENDOR_VERSION):"
> ipapython/version.py

My bad, I should write 'IPA*VERSION*'.

Especially unconditional write to version.m4 is problematic but unconditional
writes to other files slows things as well, just not that much.

Petr^2 Spacek

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