My goal is to use the compatibility plugin to display IPA hosts in a format 
that an Active Directory centric tool can consume.  Essentially my solution 
creates two containers under cn=compat called cn=adComputers and 
cn=adComputerGroups.  An entry is added to adComputers for every ipaHost, and 
attributes populated that match active directory ldap attributes for a 
'computer' object.  We do the same for each IPA hostgroup.

I have come pretty close to getting this working, but now I need to get the 
groups populated with the group members, but not the IPA hosts... instead I 
need the members to be the corresponding cn=adComputers entries that were 

So I need to manipulate the members attribute.  For example the member 
attribute of one of the hostgroups in ipa is:
I need to change it to:

Below is my .update file.  I want to add a line at the end like:
   add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: member=%{member}
But want to rewrite the %{member} value as described above.  I know I can do 
some logic here, as evidenced by 
where they use %ifeq and %%%deref_f.  But I cannot find any documentation 
explaining what options are available.  Essentially I am hoping there is some 
sort of regex manipulation capability here?

My .update file so far:

dn: cn=adComputers, cn=Schema Compatibility, cn=plugins, cn=config
add:objectClass: top
add:objectClass: extensibleObject
add:cn: adComputers
add:schema-compat-container-group: cn=compat, $SUFFIX
add:schema-compat-container-rdn: cn=adComputers
add:schema-compat-search-base: cn=computers, cn=accounts, $SUFFIX
add:schema-compat-search-filter: (&(fqdn=*)(objectClass=ipaHost))
add:schema-compat-entry-rdn: cn=%first("%{fqdn}")
add:schema-compat-check-access: yes
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectclass=computer
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: cn=%{fqdn}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: sAMAccountType=805306369
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: dNSHostName=%{fqdn}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: operatingSystem=%{nsHardwarePlatform}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: operatingSystemVersion=%{nsOsVersion}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: name=%{serverHostName}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: sAMAccountName=$$%{serverHostName}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: location=%{nsHostLocation}

dn: cn=adComputerGroups, cn=Schema Compatibility, cn=plugins, cn=config
add:objectClass: top
add:objectClass: extensibleObject
add:cn: adComputerGroups
add:schema-compat-container-group: cn=compat, $SUFFIX
add:schema-compat-container-rdn: cn=adComputerGroups
add:schema-compat-search-base: cn=hostgroups, cn=accounts, $SUFFIX
add:schema-compat-search-filter: (&(member=*)(objectClass=ipahostgroup))
add:schema-compat-entry-rdn: cn=%{cn}
add:schema-compat-entry-check-access: yes
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectclass=group
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: cn=%{cn}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: groupType=-2147483646
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: sAMAccountType=268435456
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: name=%{cn}
add:schema-compat-entry-attribute: sAMAccountName=$$%{cn}
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