Fri Mar 11 12:47:41 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [sss_krb5_verify_keytab_ex] 
(0): Principal [host/
.NZ] not found in keytab [default]
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:41 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [setup_child] (0): Could not 
verify keytab
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:41 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [load_backend_module] (0): 
Error (14) in module (ipa) initialization (sssm_ipa_id
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:41 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_process_init] (0): fatal 
error initializing data providers
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:41 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [main] (0): Could not 
initialize backend [14]
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:42 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [sss_krb5_verify_keytab_ex] 
(0): Principal [host/
C.NZ] not found in keytab [default]
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:42 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [setup_child] (0): Could not 
verify keytab
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:42 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [load_backend_module] (0): 
Error (14) in module (ipa) initialization (sssm_ipa_id
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:42 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_process_init] (0): fatal 
error initializing data providers
(Fri Mar 11 12:47:42 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [main] (0): Could not 
initialize backend [14]
[root@Fed14-64-ipacl03 sssd]#

root@Fed14-64-ipacl03 sssd]# klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab
Keytab name: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1 host/
   1 host/
   1 host/
   1 host/
[root@Fed14-64-ipacl03 sssd]#


From: [] on 
behalf of Dmitri Pal []
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2011 11:58 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Unable to authenticate a client user against IPA

On 03/10/2011 05:37 PM, Steven Jones wrote:
> I have run the in-install script and it wont delete the client in the ipa 
> system, so again I had to delete it via the web gui....I will try 
> re-installing.
> A release candidate?
> I dont see how....for me a release candidate should pretty much work with the 
> odd bug in an "odd" area....this is still like alpha....major functionality 
> failure, as personally I class being unable to do the very first thing you 
> need to do as a major failure.....
> regards


Sorry but it looks like you are doing something wrong over and over again or 
there is something mis-configured in your environment.
We are executing tests every day with new and old machines bare metal and VMs.
And everything works so there is definitely something specific to your 
environment which is different.
May be it is DNS or NTP or something like. We do not know. May be it is a bug 
that we do not hit because we do not run things in the sequence you run or with 
configuration you use.

You write a lot of mails to us but few contain any substantial information 
about your setup.
To troubleshoot we need logs.
There are all sorts of logs and configuration files on the server and on the 
You do not include them in your emails.
How do you think we can troubleshoot the problems?

If you want us to help please include more detailed information.
I am really sorry that you are experiencing the issues and spending that much 
time but I do not see a way to help you since we do not have sufficient 
information to do the troubleshooting.

We will be happy to help you as soon as you provide such information.

Thank you,

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