On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 03:35:58PM -0800, Will Sheldon wrote:
> Is SSSD working for IPA sudo now?

It was working even before, just with a bit of manual config, as I said
in the reply you quoted, you just had to configure 'sudo_provider=ldap'

> I saw this From Jakub Horozek in this list a little while back:
> Unfortunately with 6.5 there is still no sudo ipa provider, there might
> be with one in 6.6. So in order to download the sudo rules you need to
> configure the LDAP sudo provider manually.

sudo_provider=ipa is included in 1.9.6 and also all recent versions

We're thinking about including a newer version in RHEL-6.6, where the
sudo_provider=ipa would be included as well.

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