On 04/10/2015 03:58 PM, John Williams wrote:
I've inhereted an IPA infrastructure for a group in my organization. So I've got a RHEL instance with a IPA 3.0.0 server with expired certs.

[root@ipa ~]# rpm -qa | grep ipa-server
[root@ipa ~]#

[root@ipa ~]# getcert list
Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
Request ID '20130404232110':
ca-error: Error 7 connecting to http://ipa.infra.idef:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='242557339296' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=CA Audit,O=IDEF
expires: 2017-02-15 19:26:38 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232111':
ca-error: Error 7 connecting to http://ipa.infra.idef:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='242557339296' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=IDEF
expires: 2017-02-15 19:25:38 UTC
eku: id-kp-OCSPSigning
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232112':
ca-error: Error 7 connecting to http://ipa.infra.idef:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='subsystemCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='242557339296' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='subsystemCert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=CA Subsystem,O=IDEF
expires: 2017-02-15 19:25:38 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232113':
ca-error: Error 7 connecting to http://ipa.infra.idef:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='ipaCert',token='NSS Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='ipaCert',token='NSS Certificate DB'
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=IPA RA,O=IDEF
expires: 2017-02-15 19:25:38 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232114':
ca-error: Error 7 connecting to http://ipa.infra.idef:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='Server-Cert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='242557339296' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='Server-Cert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=ipa.infra.idef,O=IDEF
expires: 2017-02-15 19:25:38 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232127':
ca-error: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'IDEF'.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-IDEF',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-IDEF/pwdfile.txt' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-IDEF',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB'
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=ipa.infra.idef,O=IDEF
expires: 2015-04-05 23:21:26 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232155':
ca-error: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'IDEF'.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA/pwdfile.txt' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB'
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=ipa.infra.idef,O=IDEF
expires: 2015-04-05 23:21:54 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130404232517':
ca-error: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'IDEF'.
stuck: no
key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt' certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS Certificate DB'
issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IDEF
subject: CN=ipa.infra.idef,O=IDEF
expires: 2015-04-05 23:25:17 UTC
key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
pre-save command:
post-save command:
track: yes
auto-renew: yes

Now, I've tried following the instructions under the following link for fixing expired certs:


However, I run into a many issues, first I don't know what the <pin> is referenced very early on the instruction set.

I Googled a bit an saw some advice about rolling the clock back, then restarting certmonger to renew the certs. Here is the output of that process.

[root@ipa ~]# date
Thu Apr 10 00:13:51 EDT 2014
[root@ipa ~]# /etc/init.d/certmonger restart
Stopping certmonger:       [  OK  ]
Starting certmonger:       [  OK  ]
[root@ipa ~]#

That did not work.

Here are some errors from syslog

Apr 10 00:13:57 ipa certmonger: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'MyORG'. Apr 10 00:13:57 ipa certmonger: Error 7 connecting to http://myhost.mydomain.com:9180/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect to server. Apr 10 00:13:57 ipa certmonger: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'MyORG'. Apr 10 00:13:57 ipa certmonger: Error setting up ccache for "host" service on client using default keytab: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'MyORG'.

Any ideas would greatly be appreciated.


Check if your KDC started OK.
Check krb5kdc.log

More troubleshooting tips here: http://www.freeipa.org/page/Troubleshooting

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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