Thanks, Florence

It works now.. my /etc/sssd/sssd.conf was missing with sudo service.. adding 
below line fixed the issue

services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh"

Many Thanks Again!

Best Regards,


From: <> on 
behalf of Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 6:03 AM
To: beeth beeth
Cc: Freeipa-users
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Install IPA Servers with third-party 
certificate(external CA)

On 09/29/2016 11:43 AM, beeth beeth wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response Florence!
> My goal is the use a 3rd party certificate(such as Verisign cert) for
> Web UI(company security requirement), in fact we are not required to use
> 3rd party certificate for the LDAP server, but as I mentioned earlier, I
> couldn't make the new Verisign cert to work with the Web UI, without
> messing up the IPA function(after I updated the nss.conf to use the new
> cert in the /etc/httpd/alias db, the ipa_client_install failed). So I
> tried to follow the Redhat instruction, to see if I can get the Verisign
> cert installed at the most beginning, without using FreeIPA's
> own/default certificate), but I got the CSR question.
> I did install IPA without a CA, by following the instruction at
Using 3rd part certificates for HTTP/LDAP - 
The following command will allow you to use a 3rd party certificate after 
initially deploying the FreeIPA system. You will need the following files:

> but failed to restart HTTPD. When and how can I provide the 3rd-party
> certificate? Could you please point me a document about the detail?

you need first to clarify if you want FreeIPA to act as a CA or not. The
setup will depend on this choice.

- option a) FreeIPA with an embedded CA:
you can install FreeIPA with a self-signed CA, then follow the
instructions at
Using 3rd part certificates for HTTP/LDAP - 
The following command will allow you to use a 3rd party certificate after 
initially deploying the FreeIPA system. You will need the following files:

in order to replace the WebUI certificate. Please note that there were
some bugs in ipa-server-certinstall, preventing httpd from starting
(Ticket #4786 [1]). The workaround is to manually update nss.conf (as
you did) and manually import the CA certificate into
/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias, for instance with
$ certutil -A -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -i cacert.pem -n nickname -t C,,

- option b) Free IPA without CA
the installation instructions are in Installing without a CA [2]. You
will provide the certificate that will be used by both the LDAP server
and the WebUI in the command options.



> Thanks again!
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:25 AM, Florence Blanc-Renaud <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     The instructions that you followed are used when you want to install
>     FreeIPA with an embedded Certificate Authority (ie FreeIPA is able
>     to issue certificates), and FreeIPA CA is signed by a 3rd party CA.
>     Maybe your goal is just to use a 3rd party certificate for IPA's
>     LDAP server and Web UI. In this case, you do not need to install
>     FreeIPA with an embedded CA. You can follow the instructions for
>     Installing without a CA [1], where you will need to provide a
>     3rd-part certificate.
>     Hope this clarifies,
>     Flo.
>     [1]
> <>
>     On 09/29/2016 11:03 AM, beeth beeth wrote:
>         I am trying to set up IPA servers with Verisign certificate, so
>         that the
>         Admin Web console can use public signed certificate to meet
>         company's
>         security requirement. But when I try to follow Red Hat's
>         instructions at
> <>,
>         2.3.5. Installing a Server with an External CA as the Root CA,
>         at the first step it says to generate CSR by adding the
>         --external-ca
>         option to the ipa-server-install utility, which does generate a
>         CRS at
>         /root/ipa.csr. However, the ipa-server-install command in fact
>         doesn't
>         ask for Distinguished Name (DN) or the organization info(like
>         country,
>         state, etc.), which are required in the CSR. Without a valid CSR
>         file, I
>         can't request for new Verisign certs. Did I miss something?
>         Originally I once tried to change the default certificate for
>         Apache(the
>         Web Admin console) ONLY to the Verisign one, by adding the
>         certificates
>         to the /etc/httpd/alias database with the command:
>           # ipa-server-certinstall -w --http_pin=test verisign.pk12
>         And updated the nss.conf for httpd, so that the new Nickname is
>         used to
>         point to the Verisign certs. That worked well for the website.
>         However,
>         the IPA client installation failed after that for the
>         "ipa-client-install":
>         ERROR Joining realm failed: libcurl failed to execute the HTTP POST
>         transaction, explaining:  Peer's certificate issuer has been
>         marked as
>         not trusted by the user.
>         Even I tried to also update the certificate for the Directory
>         service(ipa-server-certinstall -d ... ), the client installation
>         still
>         failed. I believe the new Verisign cert messed up the
>         communication of
>         the IPA components. Then I am thinking to install the IPA server
>         from
>         scratch with the Verisign cert, but then I hit the CSR problem
>         described
>         above.
>         Please advise. Thanks!

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