On 09/29/2016 02:12 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
beeth beeth wrote:
Hi Florence,

I previously tried option a) and failed(need to find out why later), but
I was able to successfully reinstall the server and the client with
option b), thanks a lot! So when it says "Installing Without a CA", it
means without a "embeded CA"(the IPA's own CA), is that right?

Another main problem comes up for option b): now I am going to install
the replica server(ipa2), if I do the same as I did before:

[root@ipa1 ~]# ipa-replica-prepare ipa2.example.com

copy the gpg file from ipa1 to ipa2

[root@ipa2 ~]# ipa-replica-install

Then I believe the Apache on ipa2(the replica server) will use the
Verisign certificate with the same hostname(DN): ipa1.example.com
<http://ipa1.example.com>, NOT ipa2.example.com
<http://ipa2.example.com>, hence the users who visit
https://ipa2.example.com will experience security warning from the
browser, as expected...
What could be a solution for this?

Thanks again!

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 6:03 AM, Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com
<mailto:f...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On 09/29/2016 11:43 AM, beeth beeth wrote:

        Thanks for the quick response Florence!

        My goal is the use a 3rd party certificate(such as Verisign
        cert) for
        Web UI(company security requirement), in fact we are not
        required to use
        3rd party certificate for the LDAP server, but as I mentioned
        earlier, I
        couldn't make the new Verisign cert to work with the Web UI,
        messing up the IPA function(after I updated the nss.conf to use
        the new
        cert in the /etc/httpd/alias db, the ipa_client_install failed).
        So I
        tried to follow the Redhat instruction, to see if I can get the
        cert installed at the most beginning, without using FreeIPA's
        own/default certificate), but I got the CSR question.

        I did install IPA without a CA, by following the instruction at


        but failed to restart HTTPD. When and how can I provide the
        certificate? Could you please point me a document about the


    you need first to clarify if you want FreeIPA to act as a CA or not.
    The setup will depend on this choice.

    - option a) FreeIPA with an embedded CA:
    you can install FreeIPA with a self-signed CA, then follow the
    instructions at


    in order to replace the WebUI certificate. Please note that there
    were some bugs in ipa-server-certinstall, preventing httpd from
    starting (Ticket #4786 [1]). The workaround is to manually update
    nss.conf (as you did) and manually import the CA certificate into
    /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias, for instance with
    $ certutil -A -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -i cacert.pem -n nickname
    -t C,,

    - option b) Free IPA without CA
    the installation instructions are in Installing without a CA [2].
    You will provide the certificate that will be used by both the LDAP
    server and the WebUI in the command options.

You'd need either a separate certificate or one with multiple subject
alternative names, one for each master. I also imagine you'd need to
provide this certificate at replica preparation time if you've installed
without a CA.

Yes, that's right. You can use the command ipa-replica-prepare with the options --dirsrv-cert-file / --dirsrv-pin and --http-cert-file / --http-pin to provide the replica's certificate and key. They will be embedded in the replica file and used during the replica installation.




    [1] https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4786



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