Follow-up Comment #23, sr #110963 (project freeipmi):

so that sorta worked, although 0 rpm doesn't sound right.

looking through more code, i have a theory what might be going on.

on your board i see

``` [              10h] = sensor_owner_id[ 7b] [               3h] = sensor_owner_lun[ 2b] [               0h] = sensor_owner_lun.reserved[ 2b] [               0h] = channel_number[ 4b]

the sensor owner is the typical one and the lun is != 0.

but in my code I have

if (slave_address == IPMI_SLAVE_ADDRESS_BMC && sensor_owner_lun ==
   don't do bridging
   do bridging


which short answer, I do "bridging" when the address & lun aren't the BMC, but
it appears ipmitool may not.  It may only do bridging when the address is not
the BMC.

My assumption is that the bridging I do just happens to work on most
motherboards, but it doesn't on yours (thus the 0xC3 error we saw earlier). 
But it does work the way ipmitool does it.

I'm not sure how to work around this for the moment, but lets see if we can

ipmi-raw 0 0x04 0x2d 0x81

should emulate what i'm doing now

ipmi-raw 3 0x04 0x2d 0x81

should emulate what ipmitool is doing

my hope is that we'll see

(first case)
rcvd: 2D 00 00 XX XX

(second case)
rcvd: 2D 00 NN XX XX 

where NN will not be 0 in the second case.


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