Hi Stephen,

So on the very last record we see

[               1h] = event_reading_type_code[ 8b]

which means a threshold based sensor, which typically means a
temperature, rpm or something similar sensor.  And we see:

[               Bh] = sensor_type[ 8b]

Which is a "other units based sensor".

So given its a threshold sensor and the type is "other units", there
are units within this SDR record.  But there is not.

So I'm thinking it's an error on the manufacturer's part.  But clearly
we should not just exit on this error and should have ipmi-sel work
around it in some way, like output "SEL record un-parseable" or
something and have ipmi-sel output the rest of the SEL.

I have to think about how to do this for a bit.

In the mean time, would you be willing to re-run without the
"discretereading" flag.  I just want to double check that the same
record shows the same problem.  You don't have to send output.  Just
make sure that the same event at the end of the output occurs.

And perhaps make sure the problem occurs under the master branch of
FreeIPMI, b/c I'll probably want to have you try a patch at some point



On Wed, 2019-08-14 at 20:39 +0000, Stephen Abbene wrote:
> =====================================================
> SDR Event Only Record
> =====================================================
> [              3Fh] = record_id[16b]
> [               1h] = sdr_version_major[ 4b]
> [               5h] = sdr_version_minor[ 4b]
> [               3h] = record_type[ 8b]
> [              19h] = record_length[ 8b]
> [               0h] = sensor_owner_id.type[ 1b]
> [              16h] = sensor_owner_id[ 7b]
> [               0h] = sensor_owner_lun[ 2b]
> [               0h] = fru_inventory_device_owner_lun[ 2b]
> [               6h] = channel_number[ 4b]
> [              ADh] = sensor_number[ 8b]
> [               3h] = entity_id[ 8b]
> [               4h] = entity_instance[ 7b]
> [               0h] = entity_instance.type[ 1b]
> [               Bh] = sensor_type[ 8b]
> [               1h] = event_reading_type_code[ 8b]
> [               1h] = share_count[ 4b]
> [               0h] = id_string_instance_modifier_type[ 2b]
> [               0h] = sensor_direction[ 2b]
> [               0h] = id_string_instance_modifier_offset[ 7b]
> [               0h] = entity_instance_sharing[ 1b]
> [               0h] = reserved[ 8b]
> [               0h] = oem[ 8b]
> [              CDh] = id_string_type_length_code[ 8b]
> [  BYTE ARRAY ... ] = id_string[13B]
> [ 43h 68h 61h 73h 73h 69h 73h 20h ]
> [ 50h 6Fh 77h 65h 72h ]
> ipmi_sdr_parse_sensor_units: invalid sdr record
Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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