That works perfectly on the quanta, thank you so much.  Let me build it for a 
few different OSes and make sure it works on all our other hardware.


On 8/15/19, 9:20 AM, "Albert Chu" <> wrote:

    External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
    Hi Stephen,
    I thought of a really simple fix.  I have a branch called
    "event_only_record_column_widths" on github here:

    Can you see if this works for you?
    On Wed, 2019-08-14 at 21:06 -0700, Albert Chu wrote:
    > Hi Stephen,
    > > 1) Using "--legacy-output" works great.  That is an excellent work
    > > around.  Do you have any idea what information it is lacking?
    > It's mostly details.  Like sensor values will not output on threshold
    > events, event states aren't available, and various OEM support will
    > be
    > missing.  And probably a lot of other things like that.
    > I'll try to get a temporary fix out sometime this week.
    > Al
    > On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 5:08 PM Stephen Abbene <>
    > wrote:
    > >
    > > Hello Albert,
    > >
    > > 1) Using "--legacy-output" works great.  That is an excellent work
    > > around.  Do you have any idea what information it is lacking?
    > > 2) Using "--comma-separated-output" does not work.  I end up
    > > getting the same, "ipmi_sdr_parse_sensor_units: invalid sdr record
    > > ", error.
    > > $ sudo ./ipmi-sel  --comma-separated-output
    > > Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-
    > > cache-XXXX.localhost
    > > Caching SDR record 113 of 113 (current record ID 113)
    > > ipmi_sdr_parse_sensor_units: invalid sdr record
    > >
    > > We have opened a case with our vendor based on your findings I will
    > > let you know if they follow up.  This is really helpful for us.  We
    > > use freeipmi in many of our critical monitoring applications and
    > > really appreciate all the work you put into it.
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > Stephen Abbene
    > >
    > > On 8/14/19, 4:19 PM, "Albert Chu" <> wrote:
    > >
    > >     External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
    > >
    > >
    > >     Hi Stephen,
    > >
    > >     While skimming code, it occurred to me that if we don't bother
    > > to
    > >     calculate column widths for pretty output, ipmi-sel might work
    > > for you.
    > >
    > >     1) does "ipmi-sel --legacy-output" work
    > >
    > >     the output is ugly and not as useful as the pretty output
    > > (lacks
    > >     information from newer releases), but it's something for you
    > >     temporarily
    > >
    > >     2) does "ipmi-sel --comma-separated-output"
    > >
    > >     skimming through code, I think I may stupidly calculate columns
    > > widths
    > >     even though the user requested comma separated output.  So
    > > maybe this
    > >     won't work and is something I need to fix.
    > >
    > >     If #1 works, then that gives us a relatively simple avenue for
    > > a fix.
    > >     If sensor units aren't available, just don't use that record's
    > > sensor
    > >     units in column width calculations.
    > >
    > >     There could be additional problems if the vendor actually
    > > outputs a
    > >     real event that needs information from that SDR record.  But I
    > > would
    > >     consider that unlikely.
    > >
    > >     Al
    > >
    > >     On Wed, 2019-08-14 at 22:07 +0000, Stephen Abbene wrote:
    > >     > Thank you for your analysis Albert.  I will reach out to the
    > > vendor
    > >     > with your observations.    Here is the additional debugging
    > > output
    > >     > you requested.  The first is the output of ipmi-sel without
    > >     > discretereading, and the second is a build of freeipmi from
    > > master
    > >     > branch on git run with ipmi-sel --debug.
    > >     --
    > >     Albert Chu
    > >
    > >     Computer Scientist
    > >     High Performance Systems Division
    > >     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > _______________________________________________
    > > Freeipmi-users mailing list
    > >
    > >
    Albert Chu
    Computer Scientist
    High Performance Systems Division
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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