I had the same problem when I first fired up freeradius.  I was authenticating
off of the local shadow file.  The problem turned out to be that the username (
/ group) listed in the radiusd.conf file did not have permissions to read the
shadow password file.  (Note that freeradius does NOT launch under the
configured username when run in debug mode, which completely masks permissions
problems like this one.)

Vincent Giovannone
Network Infrastructure Group
Information Services Division
Rush - Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center

"Monday" is the term used to signify the eighth day of my work week.

|        |          "steve"      |
|        |          <steve@oceanw|
|        |          ide.co.nz>   |
|        |                       |
|        |          08/16/2001   |
|        |          08:54 PM     |
|        |          Please       |
|        |          respond to   |
|        |          freeradius-us|
|        |          ers          |
|        |                       |
  |                                                                  |
  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
  |       cc:     (bcc: Vincent Giovannone/Rush/RSH)                 |
  |       Subject:     free radius only working in debug mode        |


I have just install free radius on Solaris 8. The problem I am haveing is
free radius will only authenticate in debug mode. If I start it like this
"radiusd -xxyz -l stdout" works great. But when I start it like this
"radiusd" It starts OK but rejects all users. Has anyone seen this problem
before? I can post config's and debug outputs or logfiles etc. if needed.

Thank you


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