"John Blumel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. freeRADIUS is officially listed as beta software but is anyone
> using it in production and/or do you feel that it is mature and
> stable enough to do so.
  A number of people use it in production, and it seems to be stable.

> 2. We would like to give users the ability to change their passwords
> and since, as faras I can tell, this is not a built-in feature of
> freeRADIUS or any other RADIUS serverI was wondering what strategies
> people are using to allow this other than simply using Auth-Type = 
> System and having them telnet to the RADIUS server and change
> their password.

  Set their shell on the Unix system to '/bin/passwd', or whatever
other password changing tool you want.   They can then log in to
change their password, and do nothing else.

  Alan DeKok.

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