On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 05:01, Juan Carlos Castro y Castro wrote:

> authenticate {
> #       pam
> #       unix
>         authtype SQL {
>                 sql
> #               sql2
>         }
> #       ldap
> }

Try commenting out the "authtype SQL {" and it's "}" mate.

> 6) I can see that FreeRadius connects to MySQL, because when I kill
> radiusd, I get a "connection broken" message in the MySQL logs.

tail -f /var/log/tadius.log (or where ever)

> | id | UserName | GroupName |
> |  1 | jcastro  | vialink   |

Try "|  1 | jcastro  | DEFAULT   |"

> |  1 | jcastro  | Password  | JAEyCQtZ6viPc |
> |  2 | cabreu   | Password  | JAEyCQtZ6viPc |

If "JAEyCQtZ6viPc" is a crypted pw then it must be
Crypt-Password in the Attribute field.

> Maybe there's some other table I had to populate? Some other
> configuration I missed?

Tail MySQLs log in one shell while running "radius -xyz"
in another and bang against it with radtest from a 3rd
shell. It should become obvious what's not working.

And for testing this might help...

log_auth_badpass = yes
log_auth_goodpass = yes


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