Version  : FreeRADIUS 0.4
Platform : FreeBSD 4.3 Release

I can't seem to make Login-Time to work for me, everytime
i add a Login-Time attribute to either user or group
in the mysql table, it always reject the request...
but if i remove the Login-Time attribute, it authenticate

What am i lacking here? any leads pls ...

Thanks In Advance!

feliz navidad!

here's the ouput from radtest :

        eagle # radtest jessie test localhost 0 testing123
        Sending Access-Request of id 44 to
          User-Name = "jessie"
                Password = "\025\004\331\036\223dp*\0060|\005u\021/\252"
          NAS-IP-Address =
                NAS-Port-Id = "0"
        rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=44, length=20

and the output from radiusd -A -X

        rlm_sql: Released sql socket id: 4
        rlm_sql: Pairs do not match [jessie]
          modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns notfound
        modcall: group authorize returns ok
        auth: No Auth-Type configuration for the request, rejecting the user
        auth: Failed to validate the user.
        Login incorrect: [jessie/test] (from nas local port 0)
        Sending Access-Reject of id 44 to
        Finished request 3
        Going to the next request
        --- Walking the entire request list ---
        Waking up in 6 seconds...
        --- Walking the entire request list ---
        Cleaning up request 3 ID 44 with timestamp 3c1b6695
        Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.

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