On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Do-Risika RAFIEFERANTSIARONJY wrote:

> I have finally find the source of my problem, it was my fault. I added a
> link lib/sql/defaults.php3 -> lib/defaults.php3 so it looped ...
> Now I just put a void file in lib/sql/defaults.php3.
> I see that it is interesting but I have some questions or notes if
> possible :
> * in tre accounting report, isn't there navigations buttons ? (to see
> the next or previous records),

Well, not really. I don't really see any point in having them.
Patches are welcome though.

> * is not there something to manage radgroupcheck, radgroupreply and
> usergroup ?

I 've got a major patch to manage sql groups, it will hopefully get integrated
in the next few days.

> * i noticed that it does not support yet operator in radcheck and
> radreply tables ? is it planed or not ?

Yes, i plan in adding these features. Just wait a few days.

Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 10 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

> Thanx
> @+
> --
> DouRiX

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