> "McNutt, Justin M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >   PAM does username/password authentication, nothing else.
> > 
> > Not so.  PAM can provide several different authorization 
> functions as
> > well.
>   ... and for authentication, it does username/password (or
> equivalents)

But RADIUS does more than authentication, which is my point.  RADIUS is responsible 
for both authentication - via username/password - and authorization - via attribute 

So my original question, slightly reworded, is "If PAM is able to authenticate me 
correctly, which it does, why does FreeRADIUS still return a reject unless there is a 
local account?"  This would seem to be a function of what FreeRADIUS requests of PAM.

> > I figured this one out.  FreeRADIUS has an option to delay 
> the response. 
> >  This delay - even if set to only a second or two - is more than the
> > BayStack is willing to wait.
>   Then the BayStack is a piece of crap.

Was this observation really necessary.  I provided the information above for 
everyone's use, not for value judgements of the BayStack.

The BayStack is *not* a piece of crap, despite the fact that it doesn't do RADIUS 
authentication in the best possible way.

>   That's why FreeRADIUS isn't a piece of crap, and is configurable.

I agree, with the reservation that while FreeRADIUS works very well and is highly 
configurable, there is a severe lack of documentation (which is somewhat reasonable 
since it is still in 0.xx versions) and its developers are extremely opinionated and 
sensitive to criticism.  :-/

>   Of course, you've now opened yourself up to a DoS attack, but that's
> life.

True.  However I need to deal with the problems in my network one at a time.  Right 
now, convenient authenticated access to the switches for our administrators is the 
larger problem.  I have several Nortel folks to whom I can speak about improvements to 
the RADIUS code if I need to address those other problems later.  They have been 
listening when it comes to security issues in general (for example, they are 
implementing SNMPv3 quite soon), so I am confident that this is not a waste of time.

THEREFORE, my biggest worry at the moment is how I can use FreeRADIUS to authenticate 
people logging into BayStacks, using PAM as the local authentication method on the 
RADIUS server side *without* having to create user accounts on the RADIUS server for 
every switch admin.


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