FreeRadius 0.5  snapshot 15-05-2002 on RedHat 7.1.
Using MySQL for authentication, authorisation and accouinting.
Cisco 3640 dial NAS, IOS 11.2

I'm having a problem with accounting update information. The Cisco doesn't
send the Framed-IP-Address returned to the user in the first accounting
packet (an issue with this version IOS I believe from the notes). It DOES
send a second, update, packet with the Framed-IP-Address info. I can see
this in the sqltrace for FreeRadius.  

However, the SQL statement attempting to do this update to the accounting
record for the session (into radacct) is showing 'username' as empty ('')
as opposed to the proper username (which appears in the initial accouting
insert just OK). Thus the update packet isn't finding the right accounting
record to update and the Framed-IP-Address for the user doesn't get updated
into the record.  Thus, I can't see what IP addresses users have when
looking at radacct.

I've looked at the SQL statements in sql.conf, and the accounting updates
appear to use the same phrasing for usernames as the accounting inserts

The accounting stops work OK and include the right username too. It's just
the updates which don't seem to include it.

Any ideas anyone? 

In sql.conf I also have sql_user_name="%{stripped_sql_username"}; set (for
realm stripping) - could this be contributing to the problem at all?  (If
so, why aren't accounting inserts (starts) and stops affected?)

PS: Not wanting to point fingers, but our previous RADIUS server had no
trouble with this, and accounted IP updates correctly, so hence why I'm
hazarding FreeRadius is having an issue here... and the evidence from the
SQL trace.

PPS: Yes, the Cisco is now scheduled for an IOS upgrade anyway, but that
means downtime and can't be done immediately, and I'd like to solve this
little mystery if I can a bit quicker.

PPPS: Running FR in full debug (-X) shows very little at this point in the
proceedings (just the SQL update statements with an empty username
parameter) and hasn't been much help... which is unusual...


Scott Bartlett

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