Hi thank you for the answer, well...

I Use mysql. I have imported the users with a perl script from an old
/etc/shadow System.
I get the same error in every page i have to get some result from the
I'm able to create users with the interface but if i try to get
information of the user created i get the error.
The page of the online users is running, i think becouse it use only the
snmpfinger on the NAS.
The statistic page is working properly.
I have a little more question: How may i have the group to insert the
user in shown in the new user page and let the dialup_admin to insert
the user in the group i specified?

This are my tables:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_radius |
| badusers         |
| radacct          |
| radcheck         |
| radgroupcheck    |
| radgroupreply    |
| radreply         |
| usergroup        |
| userinfo         |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This is an account that trigger the error, but all the accounts trigger
the problem.

mysql> select * from radcheck where username='pipperino';
| id | UserName  | Attribute      | Value                              |
op   |
|  1 | pipperino | Crypt-Password | $1$/EhFx4aw$.jqrX7F5RwKB5ExUINRYH0
|      |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from usergroup where username='pipperino';
| id | UserName  | GroupName |
|  1 | pipperino | DEFAULT   |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

This is  my admin.cong file:

# it can be el (greek) or default
general_prefered_lang: el
general_prefered_lang_name: Greek
general_base_dir: /usr/local/dialup_admin
general_radiusd_base_dir: /usr/local
general_domain: domain.com
general_ldap_attrmap: %{general_radiusd_base_dir}/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap
general_sql_attrmap: %{general_base_dir}/conf/sql.attrmap
general_extra_ldap_attrmap: %{general_base_dir}/conf/extra.ldap-attrmap
# it can be either ldap or sql
general_lib_type: sql
general_user_edit_attrs_file: %{general_base_dir}/conf/user_edit.attrs
general_sql_attrs_file: %{general_base_dir}/conf/sql.attrs
general_default_file: %{general_base_dir}/conf/default.vals
#general_ld_library_path: /usr/local/snmpd/lib
# can be 'snmp' (for snmpfinger) or empty to query the radacct table
without first
# querying the nas
general_finger_type: snmp
general_snmpfinger_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/snmpfinger
general_radclient_bin: %{general_radiusd_base_dir}/bin/radclient
# this information is used from the server check page
general_test_account_login: test
general_test_account_password: testpass
# These are used as default values for the user test page
general_radius_server: localhost
general_radius_server_port: 1645
# sorry, single valued for now. Should become something like
# password[server-name]: xxxxx
general_radius_server_secret: secret
general_auth_request_file: %{general_base_dir}/conf/auth.request
# can be one of crypt,md5,clear
general_encryption_method: crypt
# can be either asc (older dates first) or desc (recent dates first)
general_accounting_info_order: desc

nas1_name: as5300.%{general_domain}
nas1_model: Cisco AS5300 access server
nas1_ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
nas1_port_num: 60
nas1_community: public
nas2_name: nas2.%{general_domain}
nas2_model: Cisco 2511 access server
nas2_port_num: 16
nas2_community: public
nas3_name: nas3.%{general_domain}
nas3_model: Cisco 5300 access server
nas3_port_num: 210
nas3_community: public

ldap_server: ldap.%{general_domain}
ldap_base: dc=company,dc=com
ldap_binddn: cn=Directory Manager
ldap_bindpw: XXXXXXX
ldap_default_new_entry_suffix: ou=dialup,ou=guests,%{ldap_base}
ldap_default_dn: uid=default-dialup,%{ldap_base}
ldap_regular_profile_attr: dialupregularprofile

# can be one of mysql,pg where:
# mysq: MySQL database (port 3306)
# pg: PostgreSQL database (port 5432)
sql_type: mysql
sql_server: localhost
sql_port: 3306
sql_username: username
sql_password: password
sql_database: radius
sql_accounting_table: radacct
sql_badusers_table: badusers
sql_check_table: radcheck
sql_reply_table: radreply
sql_user_info_table: userinfo
# true or false
#sql_use_user_info_table: true
#sql_use_operators: true
sql_use_user_info_table: false
sql_use_operators: false
sql_password_attribute: Crypt-Password
sql_date_format: Y-m-d
sql_full_date_format: Y-m-d H:i:s
# Used in the accounting report generator so that we
# don't return too many results
sql_row_limit: 40

counter_default_daily: 14400
counter_default_weekly: 72000
counter_default_monthly: none


Kostas Kalevras wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Marcello Lupo wrote:
> > HI to all ...
> > i repost this message becouse i very need help.
> >
> >
> > I have installed the dialup_admin package on freeradius 0.5, apache
> > 1.3.26 and php
> > 4.2.1.
> > WHen i try to get some user information and the query return some
> > results, i get this error on apache-php logs
> >
> > FATAL:  emalloc():  Unable to allocate 1087359016 bytes
> > [Mon Jul  1 09:47:26 2002] [notice] child pid 16608 exit signal
> > Segmentation fault (11)
> >
> >
> > If for example i query the database for a user that doesn't exist the
> > problem don't occur. I only get the error message user does not exist.
> > If the user exist i get the error.
> >
> > Other than i have always this kind of notice in the logs:
> >
> > [Mon Jul  1 09:47:25 2002] [error] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined
> > constant sql_date_format - assumed 'sql_date_format' in
> > /usr/local/dialup_admin/htdocs/user_admin.php3 on line 60
> > /usr/local/dialup_admin/htdocs/user_admin.php3(60) : Notice - Use of
> > undefined constant sql_date_format - assumed 'sql_date_format'
> > [Mon Jul  1 09:47:25 2002] [error] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined
> > constant sql_date_format - assumed 'sql_date_format' in
> > /usr/local/dialup_admin/htdocs/user_admin.php3 on line 64
> > /usr/local/dialup_admin/htdocs/user_admin.php3(64) : Notice - Use of
> > undefined constant sql_date_format - assumed 'sql_date_format'
> >
> > Any ideas??
> > Thank you
> > MArcello
> >
> > -
> > List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html
> Are you using an ldap database or sql?
> When you access the other pages (accounting,online users,create user) what do
> you get?
> Did you create the user through the create user page or manually?
> Could you post your admin.conf and a user entry that triggers the problem?
> --
> Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
> Work Phone:             +30 10 7721861
> 'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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