At 07:40 PM 7/9/2002 -0700, Koyabu, Ken wrote:

>I looked up Colin Bloch's documentation, and I managed to setup mysql
>replication option.  I'm running two identical freeradius 0.6 with mysql
>3.23.38 radius database on two separate FreeBSD 4.5 servers, and our ISP is
>proxing their radius authentications to our radius servers, so we can have
>accounting information, and we can bill to our customers.  I have some
>question regarding mysql replication setup since I believe "radacct" table
>will not be identical if you are running two separate freeradius servers,
>and different clients may be hitting two servers randomly.

You will probably want to take a look at the 'doc/radrelay' documentation.
Instead of doing replication at the sql level, this will relay accounting
data at the packet level ( and gracefully handle backlogs or remote server
unavailability ).

This has been added to the latest CVS, so you'll need to upgrade to that
to use ( or wait for 0.6.1 which should be coming out shortly ).

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