Hi all

I have been using freeradius for a while using 'users' files to hold users 
information.  I now have 60,000+ users and this takes too much memory.

I am attempting to use rlm_dbm with source taken via cvs to get the latest 
code.  I do not quite understand how fastusers works and it might be a better 
solution, if anyone has any comments on that I would appreciate it.

Setting up rlm_dbm looks very straight forward, I have in radiusd.conf:


modules {

        .... existing entries

        dbm {
                usersfile = ${confdir}/users.db

authorize {



I have used rlm_dbm_parser to generate my dbm file (only one entry while 
testing) and used rlm_dbm_cat to test the dbm file.

If I comment out dbm from authorize { .. } I can authenticate from the users 
file as I have been previously. As soon as I uncomment dbm from authorize { 
.. } I get this in my radius.log when using radtest or actually dialing in.

Fri Jul 19 12:57:20 2002 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
Fri Jul 19 12:57:21 2002 : Info: Listening on IP address *, ports 1822/udp 
and 1823/udp, with proxy on 1824/udp.
Fri Jul 19 12:57:21 2002 : Info: Ready to process requests.
Fri Jul 19 12:57:30 2002 : Error: Dropping packet from client localhost:1560 
- ID: 142 due to dead request 0
Fri Jul 19 12:57:36 2002 : Error: Dropping packet from client localhost:1560 
- ID: 142 due to dead request 2
Fri Jul 19 12:57:39 2002 : Error: Dropping packet from client localhost:1560 
- ID: 142 due to dead request 2

I have tried playing around with my input structure for rlm_dbm_parser as 
that is one thing I am still not sure I am doing right.  However those error 
messages really don't appear to be associated with the dbm even though they 
only occur when i put dbm configuration into radiusd.conf

I grep'd the source code for "due to dead request" and there is a chunk of 
code in radiusd.conf
                         *      At this point, there isn't a live
                         *      thread handling the old request.  The
                         *      old request isn't finished, AND
                         *      there's no reply for it.
                         *      Therefore, we MUST be waiting for a reply
                         *      from the proxy.
                         *      If not, then we have no clue what to
                         *      do, so we drop the new request, and
                         *      hope that the NAS doesn't bug us about
                         *      it.
                        if (!curreq->proxy) {
                                radlog(L_ERR, "Dropping packet from client "
                                       "%s:%d - ID: %d due to dead request 
                                return NULL;

This is where i get lost and I do not see what this has to do with my dbm 
configuration.  I am not a c coder so flicking over code and getting the 
general jist of it is as far as I go.

I am using a fairly old OS, Redhat 5.1, so maybe I have some old libraries 
that can also put a knife in the works.  To get freeradius running i have to 
disable threads and snmp.  The radius.conf file is nearly default except 
simple things like nospaces,lowercase, commented out unix whever i found it 
and added dbm.

Any ideas would be appreciated, if all else fails I will switch to SQL....but 
databases can crash, files dont.

Cheers :)


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