At 01:38 PM 8/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I should have included all the unix {} config :
>        # Unix /etc/passwd style authentication
>         #
>         #
>         unix {
>                 #
>                 #  Cache /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group
>                 #
>                 #  The default is to cache them.
>                 #
>                 #  For FreeBSD, you do NOT want to enable the cache,
>                 #  as it's password lookups are done via a database.
>                 #
>                 # allowed values: {no, yes}
>                 #cache = yes
>                 # Reload the cache every 600 seconds (10mins). 0 to disable.
>                 #cache_reload = 600
>                 #
>                 #  Define the locations of the normal passwd, shadow, and
>                 #  group files.
>                 #
>                 #  'shadow' is commented out by default, because not all
>                 #  systems have shadow passwords.
>                 #
>                 #  To force the module to use the system password functions,
>                 #  instead of reading the files, comment out the 'passwd'
>                 #  and 'shadow' configuration entries.  This is required
>                 #  for some systems, like FreeBSD.
>                 #
>                 #passwd = /etc/passwd
>                 #shadow = /etc/shadow
>                 group = /etc/group
>                #
>                 #  Where the 'wtmp' file is located.
>                 #  This will be moved to it's own module soon..
>                 #
>                 #radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp
>         }
>So everything is commented out except the group param...

By default the mod_config will set caching to yes...if you simply comment 
it out, then you will actually be telling the server to cache. Be 
explicit....cache = no.


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