On Thursday 10 October 2002 13:27, User for Free Radius mail list wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, 3APA3A wrote:
> > passwd  file  doesn't  contain  any passwords or hashes, so it's useless
> > without shadow.
> If you do not use shadow passwords it does keep encrypted passwords in the
> passwd file. Check your man pages "man 5 passwd" and you will see the
> second field "Optional encrypted password". This is the way it was long
> before shadow passwords came about. The reason we do not use shadow
> passwords on this server is beyond the scope of this email.
> It would be nice to be able to cache this data for quick lookup.
> Thanks,
> Ken Rea

In the unix section of radiusd.conf, try the following:

cache = yes
password = /path/to/passwd
shadow = /path/to/passwd

If your passwd file contains encrypted passwords (i.e. no shadow file), then 
using the above should allow you to cache the data.  We are currently using 
this method to allow different realms to have their own passwd files, and 
just assigning different Auth-Type's depending on the realm.  We'll be moving 
to SQL auth shortly, but for the time being, this is working quite well for 


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