At 05:48 PM 10/30/2002 +0000, Mark Terry wrote:
can anyone give me an example radcheck table entry for using freeradius with
mysql, please?

currently i'm using this but i am unsure whether it is correct:

| id | UserName | Attribute | Value | op |
| 311 | 102523 | User-Password | password | == |

should the op field be null?
Would you put the following entry in the users file?

102523 User-Password password

or would you put?

102523 User-Password == password

Regardless of where they are stored you need attribute, operator, and value
to compare a check-item.

If you are unsure of something, try it, and run the server in debugging
mode. It is very good about telling you very specifically what you have
done wrong if something is incorrect.


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