On Wednesday 30 Oct 2002 5:54 pm, you wrote:
> At 05:48 PM 10/30/2002 +0000, Mark Terry wrote:
> >all,
> >         can anyone give me an example radcheck table entry for using
> > freeradius with
> >mysql, please?
> >
> >currently i'm using this but i am unsure whether it is correct:
> >
> >+-----+----------+---------------+--------+------+
> >
> >| id  | UserName | Attribute     | Value  | op   |
> >
> >+-----+----------+---------------+--------+------+
> >
> >| 311 | 102523   | User-Password | password | ==   |
> >
> >+-----+----------+---------------+--------+------+
> >
> >should the op field be null?
> Would you put the following entry in the users file?
> 102523   User-Password password
> or would you put?
> 102523   User-Password == password
> Regardless of where they are stored you need attribute, operator, and value
> to compare a check-item.
> If you are unsure of something, try it, and run the server in debugging
> mode.  It is very good about telling you very specifically what you have
> done wrong if something is incorrect.
> -Chris

thanks for your help. ok, so if i wanted to check againist three items then 
these table records would work. (as i see no AND, OR fields)?

| id  | UserName | Attribute          | Value      | op   |
| 836 | 101302   | User-Password      | password    | ==   |
| 837 | 101302   | Calling-Station-Id | 123456 | ==   |
| 838 | 101302   | Calling-Station-Id | 123457 | ==   |

if possible i would like the user to dial up from anyone of the clis in the 
database. But if their password was incorrect and they used the correct cli 
would they get authenticated?

so about the basic questions, i'm just trying to get the database ready for 
when the radius gets restarted in the morning.



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