Hello all,

I have implemented freeRadius 0.71 with LDAP authentication and
authorization. The system is working fine for the past two months. Now, I
want to implement per day time quotas for users. How can I do this ? I saw
some references to
Max-Daily- session in Radiusd.conf, but how can I implement this with LDAP ?

The radius log contains entries with username/password alongwith caller-id
numbers. However, the accounting logs do not contain caller-id information.
How can I enable this ?

Is it now possible to authenticate / authorize users based on LDAP groups ?

The NAS fails over to the secondary radius server when the primary fails.
How to ensure that it reverts back to primary when the primary comes up ?

Some time ago, there was a query on how to stop radius from replying if the
LDAP server dies. Kostas Kalevras did give a reply on this. Can I get the
answer again please ?

Michael Fuller

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