Simon wrote:
> Look, there are plenty of people using FreeRadius successfully. I got it
> set up with MySQL and I have never configured a radius server before. It
> wasn't too hard.

Alan wrote:
> Yeah, but you had probably installed and configured software
> before.  There's a certain sub-set of people who expect that
> installing complicated servers should be blindingly obvious, even if
> they've never seen a computer before.

I had never installed nor configured software on a Linux box in my life.  In fact, I 
hadn't used Unix for nearly 10 years (and even then I was far from expert) and had 
never used Linux.  I bought a second hand PC, bought the Red Hat Linux 7.2 Bible, and 
got Linux running.  I downloaded FreeRADIUS and MySQL and configured and installed 
both with help from the FreeRADIUS FAQ, the included docs, this mailing list archive 
and other sources easily found on the web.

I got FreeRADIUS up and running with very few problems.  All it takes is some reading, 
some experimenting and some patience if this is new to you.  If I can do this, anybody 

Many thanks to Alan, Chris and so many of the rest of you that contribute to this 

Steve Coleman

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