Hi Guys

I thought someone might find this usefull. I use posgres and freeradius with 
modified queries to use the extended VSA start and stop times of a session to 
save EVER doing an update on your database (everything is an insert). This 
allows me to scale to approximately 500 times more accounting requests per DB 
than I would otherwise be able to do. However there is a nasty problem that 
when a cisco loses ntp time sync it starts outputting the datetime with a 
fullstop "." in front to specifiy that the time may be wrong. This then means 
that inserts will fail as the data is no longer in valid date format. This 
function strips the fullstop.

 * --- Peter Nixon [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
 * Remove . from the start of time fields (routers that have lost ntp timesync 
 *  * Used as:
 *      insert int mytable values (strip_dot('.16:46:02.356 EET Wed Dec 11 

CREATE OR REPLACE function strip_dot (text) returns text as '
        my $datetime = $_[0];
        $datetime =~ s/^\\.*//;
        return $datetime;
' language 'plperl';



Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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