On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 04:56 pm, Peter Nixon wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I thought someone might find this usefull. I use posgres and freeradius
> with modified queries to use the extended VSA start and stop times of a
> session to save EVER doing an update on your database (everything is an
> insert). This allows me to scale to approximately 500 times more accounting
> requests per DB than I would otherwise be able to do. However there is a
> nasty problem that when a cisco loses ntp time sync it starts outputting
> the datetime with a fullstop "." in front to specifiy that the time may be
> wrong. This then means that inserts will fail as the data is no longer in
> valid date format. This function strips the fullstop.
> /*
>  * --- Peter Nixon [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>  * Remove . from the start of time fields (routers that have lost ntp
> timesync temporarily)
>  *  * Used as:
>  *      insert int mytable values (strip_dot('.16:46:02.356 EET Wed Dec 11
> 2002'));
>  */
> CREATE OR REPLACE function strip_dot (text) returns text as '
>         my $datetime = $_[0];
>         $datetime =~ s/^\\.*//;
>         return $datetime;
> ' language 'plperl';

Come to think of it, the following is even more useful :-)

CREATE OR REPLACE function strip_dot (text) returns timestamp as '
        my $datetime = $_[0];
        $datetime =~ s/^\\.*//;
        return $datetime;
' language 'plperl';


Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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