On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 03:52:16PM +0300, CEBKA wrote:
> Hello, Andrew.
> But there is a reckord in mysql database in radcheck table:
> ID UserName  Attribute          Op  Value
> 1  test      Chap-Password      :=  testing

okay. i'm puzzled as to why you're using := and not ==, but it should
still be a matching check item.

that said, does authentication work if you attempt to use pap or
cleartext passwords in the mysql database? getting it working at all is
probably your first step, also, perhaps you could show us what other
check and reply attributes you're setting in the database...

other than that, i'm not sure what you're missing, unless it's part of
the actual configuration file radiusd, but since it sounds like it's at
least attempting rlm_sql, i'm not sure what you could be missing. have
you tried running the queries manually, and seeing what they produce?
make sure it's actually retreiving a useful set of attributes...

Andrew Pilley

> -- 
> Best regards,
>  CEBKA                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - 
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