On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Derrik Pates wrote:

>   - For several RAS server types, the script doesn't actually look up
>     username/password (or SNMP community ID) info from anyplace.
>   - The script only looks in the naspasswd file, which I thought was
>     deprecated. Shouldn't it look in (and of course, parse) clients.conf,
>     at least?

Question for the developers on the format of a clients.conf entry. (Hm.
Should we take this discussion of checkrad to the devel list?) A
clients.conf entry looks something like this:

client {
        secret          = rillyseekrit
        shortname       = localhost
        nastype         = other

Actually, a few questions, and please, as always, point me to any docs I
may have missed. First, do the spaces have to be tabs, or can they be any
kind of space?

Can you do something like

client { secret = rillyseekrit }

Or do the braces and the config options have to be separated by newlines?

Can we have # comments anywhere in the entry, and if so, do comments start
at the # and go to the end of the line, or does the # have to be at the
beginning of a line as in "clients"? In other words, can I have this:

 secret = rillyseekrit # the secret: shh!

To read the secret/community string/etc from clients.conf, you'd want
checkrad to be able to parse every variation of how a user might set up
that file, so I'm just trying to get a handle on what the server itself
requires in that config.

(I did read man 5 clients, but while it refers to man 5 clients.conf,
there ... um ... doesn't seem to be one. :-))

Thanks for any info or pointers to docs.


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