Has anybody on the list seen dialup log files that look like this:

Fri Feb 28 23:49:18 2003 : Auth: Login incorrect: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"} }7}"}&} }*} }
}%}&} 4!}'}"}(}"}-}#}&[EMAIL PROTECTED] }7}"}&} }*} } }%}&}
4!}'}"}(}"}-}#}&[EMAIL PROTECTED] }7}"}&} }*} } }%}&}
4!}'}"}(}"}-}#}&[EMAIL PROTECTED] }4}"}&} }*} } }%}&} 4!}'}"}(}"q}&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&}
}4}"}&} }*} } }%}&} 4!}'}"}(}";;[EMAIL PROTECTED]'} }$d}1~A/] (from client as5200
port 40)
The user called support notified us, and logged in ok the second time.
The problem is random but we are starting to see more logs just like the
one above.
Does anybody have any ideas of what it could be?

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