
For client authorization I use xsupplicant - http://www.open1x.org/
xsupplicat config file

MegaWiFi:id = radiotest
MegaWiFi:cert = radiotest.der
MegaWiFi:key = radiotest.pem
MegaWiFi:root = root.pem
MegaWiFi:auth = EAP
MegaWiFi:type = wireless

from root.pem I remove private key

i'm not familar with xsupplicant, sorry. i hope you added the client certificate WITH private key somewhere. what's this key field? shouldn't it be the key of the private key of the client certificate?

private key from root.pem is remove

as i said to you: it should be removed but it doesn't matter here. it was not supposed to correct the problem.

at system console typing error message:

30630:error:0906D06C:lib(9):func(109):reason(108):pem_lib.c:632:Expectig: DH PARAMETERS

It is normal??

i don't know, that looks like xsupplicant for me.

ciao artur

-- Artur Hecker Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris http://www.infres.enst.fr/~hecker

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