04-Mar-03 at 19:01, Josh Howlett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 13:47, Alan DeKok wrote:
> > > In this hypothetical case, would it be feasible for a user to present
> > > the same cookie to a different WWW server, which could then attempt to
> > > authenticate the user by passing the cookie to the remote RADIUS
> > > server?  (ie. thereby avoiding the need for the user to present his
> > > credentials again - the idea being to enable single sign-on).
> > > 
> > > Is this idea crack-pot or simply brain-dead?
> > 
> >   It's a hack, but I see reason why it wouldn't work.
> You think this is a hack?  You should read the Project Liberty or M$
> Passport specs :-)

I'd rather read War and Peace in Russian (not a tongue I am familiar
with) rather than reading M$ Passport specs!

The sad thing is, that I might end up having to read that Passport
rubbish if MS get their way and dominate the corporate Internet services
marketplace. Somehow, I don't think they will. When I speak to anyone
about MS future plans, people start asking me when I can start
migration to Linux ;-)

Some of those points:

- New windows version will not be backwards compatible
- New Office may not be backwards compatible
- Filesytems will not be backwards compatible
- Digital Rights Management and all that


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