Cisco, in their infinite wisdom have decided to implement their VSA's in some strange and wonderful ways. My problem at the moment is as follows: Accounting requests from from the Cisco SSG come with several VSA's included of the form:

Cisco-Service-Info = "Usomeusername"
Cisco-Service-Info = "NserviceName"

The VSA is sub-classified by the first character of the value (N and U in the example). I need to log the value of the "N" attribute in my sql database in this case. My brain is hurting at this stage, but I cannot seem to find any way logging a particular attribute to SQL when there are several of the same name in the request. I have looked at rlm_attr_rewrite and acct_users but have not come up with anything.

Has anyone come across this issue before? Any ideas how to do this?

(Hoping I am overlooking something quite obvious)

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