[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/08/2003 02:42:28 PM:

> At 02:23 PM 7/8/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Then I copied over my existing config files (clients.conf, and users...
> >pretty simple config, eh??) to the new machine, and started up radiusd. 
> >runs and authenticates, but for some reason on the new machine it will
> >only launch _one_ thread when run as a daemon.
> How are you determining that it only launches one thread?

ps -aef  (tsunami is currently running working system, tidalwave is the 
rebuilt system...)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] vgiovann]$ ps -aef | grep radiusd
root      4154     1  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4155  4154  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4156  4155  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4157  4155  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4158  4155  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4159  4155  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
root      4160  4155  0 Jul07 ?        00:00:00 
vgiovann  7942  7919  0 14:45 pts/2    00:00:00 grep radiusd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] vgiovann]# /opt/local/radius/sbin/radiusd
Tue Jul  8 14:44:34 2003 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vgiovann]# ps -aef | grep radiusd
root     29320     1  0 14:44 ?        00:00:00 
root     29328 29296  0 14:44 pts/1    00:00:00 grep radiusd

> >I HAVE to be missing something simple here, but for the life of me I 
> >figure out what it is.  Configure doesn't complain about any missing
> >thread libraries, and running with full debug ( -X ), I don't see 
> >enlightening.
> -X is a combination of multiple args.  One of which puts it in 
> mode.

d'oh!...  :)

> A better combination if you want to debug threadedness, is to run the
> server with one or more -x ( lowercase! ) flags.  This enables debugging
> messages, without disabling threads.

Ok, second try.  /opt/local/radius/sbin/radiusd -fxxyz 

Initializing the thread pool...
 thread: start_servers = 5
 thread: max_servers = 32
 thread: min_spare_servers = 3
 thread: max_spare_servers = 10
 thread: max_requests_per_server = 0
 thread: cleanup_delay = 5
Thread 1 waiting to be assigned a request
Thread spawned new child 1. Total threads in pool: 1
Thread 2 waiting to be assigned a request
Thread spawned new child 2. Total threads in pool: 2
Thread 3 waiting to be assigned a request
Thread spawned new child 3. Total threads in pool: 3
Thread 4 waiting to be assigned a request
Thread spawned new child 4. Total threads in pool: 4
Thread 5 waiting to be assigned a request
Thread spawned new child 5. Total threads in pool: 5

So why don't I see the processes when I do a ps?  (Am I correct in reading 
that they're not really running?)

Vincent Giovannone
Network Infrastructure Group
Information Services Division
Rush - Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center

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