Sorry, just getting around to reading all this stuff:

Peter Nixon wrote:
Hi List

I would like to take a quick straw poll.

a) If you use a Database backend for FreeRadius which one do you use?
LDAP for Auth and Postgresql for Accounting.

b) If you do not use a DB backend for FreeRadius, but do have a DB on your server or in your rack, what DB is it?
I also have a mysql database but only use it for webapps that only work with it.

c) If you do not use a DB backend for FreeRadius, but do have a DB on your server or in your rack, why don't you use it as a backend to FreeRadius?
I don't use the RDMS for Authentication because LDAP is a far better authentication database with much more support (sendmail, pam, apache, proftpd, etc....).

Please reply to this thread on the mailing list or to me directly (I am one of the developers) if you wish to keep the info private.
I will post a summary in a few days.

Thanks in Advance

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