IE is independent to script language (PHP,ASP,JSP) because these language is
server side based language. httpd will read php file, see if there is any
line code is PHP script, it will interpret to html format (tag) and send to
web browser client.
hope that will help you.
Manh Cuong.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FreeRADIUS Users (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: dialup_admin

> This question is not directly related to RADIUS, but
> a utility 'dialup_admin' that ships with FreeRadius.
> I tried to use dialup_admin in Linux, but the browser (Microsoft IE)
> did not show the page correctly.
> I copied the dialup_admin directory to /var/www/html/dialup_admin
> Which I type the following URL in the browser, I got an dialup_admin
> image on the right and some text bearing <?php .... on the left.
> According to the FAQ in dialup_admin, the php needs to be configured to
> handle files with php3 suffix.  I have changed the
> <Files> directive in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf to
> from
> <Files *.php>
> to
> <Files ~ "*\.php3?$">
> and restarted the httpd daemon. It still did not work.
> I would appreciate any help from someone who has successfully used
> dialup_admin
> from IE.
> Thanks.
> -
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