Hi all,

Greeting to all. I am currently working on a wireless
project that requires integration of a web portal with
a mobile carrier's AAA system (a RADIUS system). I am
rather new to RADIUS technology, but I have tried
playing around with FreeRADIUS to familiarize myself
with the technology and to prepare for the integration
work with the carrier's AAA system.

For my project at the current moment, unfortunately, I
am still waiting to get the right technical contact
and the necessary technical info about their RADIUS
system from the carrier...The info is coming in rather
slowly. My project requirements as far as integration
with the carrier's RADIUS system is concerned are as
        1. to retrieve mobile users' MSISDNs (Mobile Station
ISDN) or assigned client IP addresses from the
incoming HTTP requests received by the web portal, and
to validate it against the carrier's AAA system. The
web portal will grant user access based on the result
of the validation. 
        2. In cases where client IP addresses are received,
to also get the users' corresponding MSISDNs from the
carrier's AAA system.
        3. Upon successful validation, to also fetch the
required user profiles (name, email, etc if available)
from the carrier's AAA system so that the user info
can be made available for the web portal's use.
Instead of waiting for the info to come in, I am
thinking of configuring my FreeRADIUS server to
simulate a typical mobile carrier's RADIUS system as
closely as possible and to start some preliminary
integration of my web portal with the RADIUS server.

As I am very new to RADIUS and not to mention the
mobile carrier's RADIUS system, which I gathered from
pieces of information - it could be a specialized
RADIUS system for wireless industry, I am not sure how
viable is my above approach. I would really appreciate
it if somebody, who is expert in application - RADIUS
integration or familiar with carrier RADIUS
deployment, share their valuable experience and
suggestions as to how should I proceed with my tasks.

I would also appreciate it very much if any of you can
point me to the right directions on the followings:

- Is there a document/case study that describes how
mobile carriers typically make use of RADIUS for
authenticating their mobile users?

- Has anyone ever configured FreeRADIUS in a way that
closely resembles a typical mobile carrier's RADIUS
system? Can you share your system architecture or

- Is there a comprehensive and stable open-source Java
APIs for RADIUS integration?

I am sorry for sending such a long email ...more so if
this is not the right forum for this type of
questions. But, I would really appreciate your
valuable inputs.

Best Regards.

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