I realise this is slightly off topic, but I noticed in
the doc/rlm_digest docs that digest authentication's draft
standard has lapsed.

I'm just wondering what authentication methods people are
using for SIP? Radius-based or not... I'm trying to avoid
clear-text passwords if I can help it, but I don't want to
double-up on what I'm storing, so HA1 seems like a bad idea.

Also, I guess this question leads to wondering what SIP
proxies the VoIP people on the list are using.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson
Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

This is a one line proof...if we start
sufficiently far to the left.
        -- Cambridge University Math Department
Random signature generator 3.0 by Paul "TBBle" Hampson

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